The Ielts Bridge


Section 1: Consumer advice

Questions 1-6: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUE
The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSE
If there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 1: You will receive a card telling you if an item has been left with a neighbour.

Keywords for this question: receive a card, if, item, left with, neighbour   

In the first paragraph, lines 3-5 say, “ . . . If your item wasn’t delivered to the location you agreed (e.g. if it was left with your neighbour without your consent), it’s the seller’s legal responsibility to sort out the issue.

However, the lines don’t tell us anything about what the consumer/customer will receive if an item has been left with a neighbour.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 2: It may be quicker to get a refund than a replacement for a non-delivered item.  

Keywords for this question: may be, quicker, get, refund, than, replacement, non-delivered item,       

The second paragraph talks about ‘replacement or refund’.

However, we don’t find any information about which one is quicker for a non-delivered item.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN             

Question 3: You are entitled to a refund if the item fails to arrive by a certain time.

Keywords for this question: entitled to a refund, item, fails to arrive, by, certain time,  

In the second paragraph, lines 1-2 say, “ .. . You can ask for your money back if you don’t receive the item within 30 days of buying it. .. .”

Here, can ask for your money back = entitled to a refund, don’t receive the item = the item fails to arrive, within 30 days of buying = by a certain time,

So, the answer is: TRUE       

Question 4: There is a time limit when using the ‘chargeback’ scheme for a debit card payment.

Keywords for this question: time limit, ‘chargeback’ scheme, debit card payment,

The third paragraph contains 3 bullet points.

The first bullet point says,

  • If you paid by debit card, contact your bank and say you want to use the ‘chargeback’ scheme. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . You should do this within 120 days of when you paid.

Here, You should do this within 120 days of when you paid = there is a time limit,

So, the answer is: TRUE       

Question 5: You can use the ‘chargeback’ scheme for a credit card payment of more than £100.

Keywords for this question: can use, ‘chargeback’ scheme, credit card payment, more than £100,

The third paragraph contains 3 bullet points.

The second bullet point says,

  • If you paid by credit card and the item cost less than £100, you should contact your credit card company and say you want to use the ‘chargeback’ scheme. . .. .

Here, the item cost less than £100 is contradictory/ opposite to the information more than £100.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 6: Paypal’s online resolution centre has a good reputation for efficiency.

Keywords for this question: Paypal’s online resolution centre, good reputation, efficiency,  

The third paragraph contains 3 bullet points.

The third bullet point says,

  • If you paid using PayPal, use PayPal’s online resolution centre to report your dispute. You must do this within 180 days of paying.

No information is shared here about the reputation of efficiency for Paypal’s online resolution centre.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Rice cookers  

Questions 8-14:  Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 7: The handles at the side are hard to use. 

Keywords for this question: handles, side, hard to use,

The answer can be found in the description of ‘VPN Rice Cooker’. In the last lines, the description says, “. .. .. and the handles are tricky to grip.”    

Here, tricky to grip = hard to use,

So, the answer is: D

Question 8: It cooks brown rice without making a mess.  

Keywords for this question: cooks, brown rice, without, making a mess,  

The answer can be found in the description of ‘S16 Rice Cooker’. The first line of the description says, “This is simple to use, not spitting or boiling over even when cooking brown rice. .. .”

Here, not spitting or boiling over even when cooking brown rice = cooks brown rice without making a mess,

So, the answer is: E

Question 9: It automatically switches setting to keep the rice warm when cooked.  

Keywords for this question: automatically switches setting, keep the rice warm, when cooked,

Take a look at the description of ‘Family Rice Cooker’.  The last lines say, “. .. . It’s programmed to adjust the temperature once the rice is done so that it stops cooking but doesn’t get cold.”

Here, It’s programmed to adjust the temperature = It automatically switches setting, it stops cooking but doesn’t get cold = keep the rice warm when cooked,

So, the answer is: B

Question 10: It’s difficult to get the removable top really clean.  

Keywords for this question: difficult, get, removable top, really clean,

The last lines of the description of ‘Ezy Rice Cooker’ say, “ .. . There are slight dirt traps around the rim of the lid, and neither the pot nor the lid is dishwater safe.”

Here, slight dirt traps around the rim of the lid & nor the lid is dishwater safe = difficult to get the removable top really clean,

So, the answer is: A

Question 11: A selection of recipes is provided with the cooker.  

Keywords for this question: A selection of recipes, provided with the cooker,

In the description of ‘VPN Rice Cooker’, lines 2-3 say, “ . . . and comes with a booklet including a range of ideas for rice dishes. . . .”

Here, booklet including a range of ideas for rice dishes = A selection of recipes,

So, the answer is: D

Question 12: It has a handle at the top for carrying the cooker safely.  

Keywords for this question: a handle, at the top, carrying the cooker, safely,  

Take a look at the description of ‘Family Rice Cooker’. Lines 1-2 say, “. .. . The lid locks when closed and becomes a secure handle to carry the cooker. . ..”

Here, The lid = at the top, to carry the cooker = for carrying the cooker, secure = safely,

So the answer is: B

Question 13: The outside of the cooker doesn’t get too hot.  

Keywords for this question: outside, cooker, doesn’t get, too hot,  

The answer can be found in the description of ‘S16 Rice Cooker’. Lines 2-3 of the description say, “ . .. . The exterior stays cool when in use, so there’s no danger of burning your hand. . ..”

Here, The exterior stays cool = The outside of the cooker doesn’t get too hot,

So the answer is: E

Question 14: You can put the pot in the dishwasher,  

Keywords for this question: can put the pot, in, the dishwasher,

Have a look at the description of ‘Mini Rice Cooker’. Lines 1-2 say, “ . .. The interior pot is made of non-stick aluminum and is dishwasher safe. … .”

Here, dishwasher safe = can put the pot in the dishwasher,

So the answer is: C

Section 2: Safety when working on roofs

Questions 15-22: Completing notes

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to complete different notes with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text. Keywords are important to find answers correctly. Generally, this type of question maintains a sequence. However, we should not be surprised if the sequence is not maintained. Find the keywords in the passage and you are most likely to find the answers.]

Question 15: over half of falls are from less than _________.  

Keywords for this question: investigations, over half, falls, less than,    

Take a look at lines 2-4 in paragraph no. 1 where the author says, “. . .. . Investigations by WorkSafe into falls that occur while working at height show that more than 50 per cent of falls are from under three metres, . . .. .  

Here, more than 50 per cent of falls = over half of falls, under = less than,

So, the answer is: 3/ three metres/ meters

Question 16: the majority of falls occur on __________.

Keywords for this question: majority, falls, occur on,  

In lines 6-7 of paragraph no. 1, the author says, “…. More injuries happen on residential building sites than any other workplace in the construction sector.”

Here, More injuries happen on = the majority of falls occur on,

So, the answer is: residential building sites

Question 17: ________ the hazard at the planning stage before the work begins if possible.  

Keywords for this question: controls, hazard, planning stage, before, work begins, if possible,    

In paragraph no. 3, the first line says, “The first thing to be considered is whether it is possible to eliminate this hazard completely, so that workers are not exposed to the danger of falling. This can sometimes be done at the design, construction planning, and tendering stage. . . ..”

Here, whether it is possible = if possible, design, construction planning, and tendering stage = at the planning stage,

So, the answer is: eliminate

Question 18: prevent a fall by using edge protection, e.g. scaffolding or _________.  

Keywords for this question: controls, prevent, fall, using, edge protection, scaffolding, or,      

In paragraph no. 3, lines 5-6 say, “. .. . It may be possible to use the existing scaffolding as edge protectionIf this is not practicable, then temporary work platforms should be used. … ..”  

Here, If this is not practicable = or,

So, the answer is: (temporary) (work) platforms

Question 19: reduce the likelihood of injury, e.g. by using __________.  

Keywords for this question: controls, reduce, likelihood, injury, e.g. using,        

The last lines of paragraph no. 3 say, “ . .. This means considering the use of safety nets and other similar systems to make it less likely that injury will be caused if a fall does occur.”

Here, make it less likely that injury will be caused = reduce the likelihood of injury,

So, the answer is: safety nets

Question 20: these should only be used for _______ which does not take a long time.

Keywords for this question: ladders, should be used, does not take, long time,  

In the first line of the final paragraph, the writer says, “Ladders should only be employed for short-duration maintenance work such as touching up paint. .. .”

Here, Ladders = these, should only be employed = should only be used, short-duration = does not take a long time, 

So, the answer is: (maintenance) work     

Question 21: training should be provided in their ______ and use.

Keywords for this question: ladders, training, should be provided, in, use, 

The answer can be found in lines 2-3 of the final paragraph, “ . .. People using ladders should be trained and instructed in the selection and safe use of ladders. .. .”

Here, should be trained and instructed = training should be provided, safe use of ladders = use,

So, the answer is: selection

Question 22: regular _______ of ladders is required.

Keywords for this question: regular, ladders, required,

The last lines in the final paragraph says, “. .. . . There should be inspection of all ladders on a regular basis to ensure they are safe to use.”

Here, regular basis = regular, There should be = required,

So, the answer is: inspection

Maternity Allowance for working women

Questions 23-27: Completing sentences

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write no more than two words and/or a number to complete sentences on the given topic. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

[TIPS: Here scanning technique will come in handy. Target the keywords of the questions to find the answers. Remember to focus on Proper nouns, random Capital letters, numbers, special characters of text etc.]

Question 23: The maximum amount of money a woman can get each week is £ _______.

Keywords for this question: maximum amount of money, can get, each week, £,  

The second paragraph has two bullet points. Here, the first bullet point says,

  • £140.98 a week or 90% of your average weekly earnings (whichever is less) for 39 weeks.

Here, £140.98 is the highest amount included in this text that a woman can get.

So, the answer is: 140.98

Question 24: Being ______ for a time does not necessarily mean that a woman will not be eligible for Maternity Allowance

Keywords for this question: being, for a time, does not necessarily mean, will not be eligible, Maternity Allowance, 

In the ‘Maternity Allowance for 39 weeks’ section, have a look at the last lines, “You may still qualify even if you’ve recently stopped working. It doesn’t matter if you had different jobs, or, periods when you were unemployed.”

Here, It doesn’t matter = does not necessarily mean,

This means being unemployed will not affect the eligibility of a woman to get Maternity Allowance.

So, the answer is: unemployed

Question 25: In order to claim, a woman must send a _______ or a Small Earnings Exemption Certificate as evidence of her income.  

Keywords for this question: In order to claim, must send, Small Earnings Exemption Certificate, evidence of her income,

In the ‘How to claim’ section, take a look at line 2-3 in the first paragraph. It says here, “You also need to provide a payslip or a Certificate of Small Earnings Exemption as proof of your income,  . .. .”

Here, proof of your income = evidence of her income,  

So, the answer is: payslip

Question 26: In order to claim, a woman may need to provide a ________ as evidence of the due date.

Keywords for this answer: In order to claim, may need to provide, evidence, due date,

In the ‘How to claim’ section, take a look at line no. 3 in the first paragraph. It says here, “ . .. .and proof of the baby’s due date, such as a doctor’s letter.” 

Here, proof of the baby’s due date = evidence of the due date,

So, the answer is: doctor’s letter

Question 27: Payment may be affected by differences in someone’s _________, such as a return to work, and the local Jobcentre Plus must be informed. 

Keywords for this answer: Payment, may be affected, differences in, such as, return to work, local Jobcentre Plus, must be informed,

In the ‘How to claim’ section, take a look at the third paragraph. It says here, “You should report any changes to your circumstances, for example, if you go back to work, to your local Jobcentre Plus as they can affect how much allowance you get.”

Here, any changes to your = differences in someone’s, go back to work return to work, can affect how much allowance you get = payments may be affected,

So, the answer is: circumstances

Section 3: The California Gold Rush of 1849

Questions 28-31:  Multiple choice questions

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is set found as the last question set in most passages so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers to previous questions gives you a good idea about these questions.]

Question 28: The writer suggests that Marshall’s discovery came at a good time for the US because –  

Keywords for this question: Marshall’s discovery, came at a good time, for the US, because,

In section A, the first lines details about the discovery made by Marshall, “On January 24, 1848, James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter, found small flakes of gold in the American River near Coloma, California.  . . .” Then, in lines 4-6, the writer explains the importance of the discovery, “ . .. . As it happens, just days after Marshall’s discovery, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, ending the Mexican-American War and transforming California, with its mineral deposits, into the ownership of the United States. .. ..”

Here, into the ownership of the United States the region was about to come under the control of the US,   

So, the answer is: D (the region was about to come under the control of the US.)

Question 29: What was the reaction in 1848 to the news of the discovery of gold?

Keywords for this question: reaction, 1848, news of the discovery of gold, 

Section B discusses the initial reaction of the news of the discovery of gold. The author of the text says here, “. . . mid-March 1848 at least one newspaper was reporting that large quantities of gold were being found. Though the initial reaction in San Francisco was disbelief, storekeeper Sam Brannan set off a frenzy when he paraded through town displaying a small bottle containing gold from Sutter’s Creek. .. .” 

Here, ‘the bold-italic lines’ suggest that people had to wait for a physical evidence of the news before they took it seriously.

So, the answer is: (People needed to see physical evidence before they took it seriously.)

Question 30: What was the result of thousands of people moving to California?

Keywords for this question: the result, thousands of people, moving to California,

Section C contains two paragraphs. The first paragraph discusses why and how many people, mostly men, moved from different parts of the United States to California. In lines 7-10, the author says, “ .. . In pursuit of the kind of wealth they had never dreamed of, they left their families and local areas; in turn, their wives had no option but to shoulder different responsibilities such as running farms or businesses, and many made a real success of them.”

These lines suggest that the female population, who stayed behind, took the unexpected roles of running farms or businesses.

So, the answer is: C (Some of those who stayed behind had to take on unexpected roles.)

Question 31: What does the writer say about using pans and rockers to find gold?

Keywords for this question: using, pans and rockers, to find gold,

The writer talks about using pans in Section D and using rockers in Section E. If you skim both these sections, you’ll find information about a design fault in rockers in Section E. Let’s read that part.

Section E contains two paragraphs. In the second paragraph, the writer says in lines 4-8, “ . .. The primary disadvantage was that the rocker had difficulty in trapping the smallest particles of gold, commonly known as ‘flour’. Some miners added small amounts of mercury to the bottom of the rocker. Due to its chemical composition, it had a facility to trap fine gold. . . ..”

Here, primary disadvantage = main problem/ design fault,

Some miners added small amounts of mercury to the bottom of the rocker = miners had to find a way round a design fault in the rockers,

So, the answer is: (Miners had to find a way round a design fault in one system.)

Questions 32-36:  Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 32: a reference to ways of making money in California other than mining for gold

Keywords for this question: ways of making money, California, other than mining for gold,

In section C, take a look at the second paragraph. The writer says here, in lines 3-5, “ . .. . To accommodate the needs of the ‘49ers, as the gold miners were known, towns had sprung up all over the region, complete with shops and other businesses seeking to make their own Gold Rush fortune. .. .. .”

Here, towns had sprung up all over the region, complete with shops and other businesses = ways of making money in California other than mining for gold,   

So, the answer is: C

Question 33: a suggestion that the gold that was found did not often compensate for the hard work undertaken

Keywords for this question: gold that was found, did not often compensate for, the hard work undertaken,

In section F, have a look at lines 4-5, “ . .. Moreover, the average daily pay for an independent miner had by then dropped sharply from what it had been in 1848. .. .. .”

Here, the average daily pay for an independent miner had by then dropped sharply = the gold that was found did not often compensate for the hard work undertaken,  

So, the answer is: F  

Question 34: a mention of an individual who convinced many of the existence of gold in California

Keywords for this question: individual, who convinced, many of the existence of gold, California,

In Section B, take a close look at lines 4-5, “ . .. . storekeeper Sam Brannan set off a frenzy when he paraded through town displaying a small bottle containing gold from Sutter’s Creek. .. .”

Here, storekeeper Sam Brannan = an individual, paraded through town displaying a small bottle containing gold from Sutter’s Creek = convinced many of the existence of gold in California,

So, the answer is: B

Question 35: details of the pre-Gold Rush population of California

Keywords for this answer: pre-Gold Rush population, California,

In section A, the last few lines provide the population of California just before the Gold Rush, “. . .. At the timethe population of the territory consisted of 6,500 Californios (people of Spanish or Mexican descent); 700 foreigners (primarily Americans); and 150,000 Native Americans.”    

So, the answer is: A

Question 36: a contrast between shrinking revenue and increasing population

Keywords for this question: contrast between, shrinking revenue, increasing population,

Section G is a short section where we find the contrast between shrinking revenue and increasing population. Let’s read lines 3-5, “.. .. . After that year, the total take declined gradually, leveling off to around $45 million per year by 1857. Settlement in California continued, however, and by the end of the decade the state’s population was 380,000.”

These lines suggest that the revenue earned from gold had been shrinking while the population had been increasing.

So, the answer is: G

Questions 37-40:  Summary completion

[In this kind of question candidates are given a summary for one, two, or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords from the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers to fill in the gaps.]

Title of the summary: Basic techniques for extracting gold

Question 37: The most basic method used by many miners began with digging some _______ out of a river and hoping it might contain gold.

Keywords for this question: most basic method, used by many miners, began with, digging some, out of a river, hoping, might contain gold,

Section D talks about the use of pans for extracting gold.

Here, lines 2-4 say, “ . .. . The basic procedure was to place some gold-bearing materials, such as river gravel, into a shallow pan, add some water, and then carefully swirl the mixture around so the water and light material spilled over the side. . .”

Here, gold-bearing materials = hoping it might contain gold, river gravel = gravel out of a river,

So, the answer is: gravel   

Question 38: Gold dust, which weighed more, remained in the pan or, if the miners were very lucky, there might even be some ______ too. It was, however, a very laborious method.  

Keywords for this question: gold dust, weighed more, remained in the pan, miners, very lucky, might even be, some, laborious method,      

In lines 4-5 of Section D, the writer mentions, “ . .. If all went well, the heavier gold nuggets or gold dust would settle to the bottom of the pan. Gold panning was slow even for the most skillful miner. On a good day, one miner could wash about 50 pans in the usual 12-hour workday.”

Here, If all went well = if the miners were very lucky, one miner could wash about 50 pans in the usual 12-hour workday = gold panning was a very laborious method,

So, the answer is: nuggets

Question 39: The rocker was also used. . . .. . . .. .  Larger stones stuck in the ________, while gold dropped to the bottom.  

Keywords for this question: rockers, also used, larger stones, stuck in the, gold, dropped, to the bottom,

Section E, which contains two paragraphs, explains how rockers worked. Here, in lines 5-6 of the first paragraph, the writer mentions, “ . .. .. The big rocks were caught in a sieve at the top, the waste exited the lower end with the water, and the heavy gold fell to the bottom of the box.”

Here, The big rocks Larger stones,caught in = stuck in, the heavy gold fell to the bottom = gold dropped to the bottom,

So, the answer is: sieve

Question 40: However, a process was introduced involving _________ to ensure no gold was washed out in the water.  

Keywords for this question: However, a process, was introduced, involving, ensure, no gold was washed out, in the water,   

In section E, the second paragraph explains how miners solved a fault in the rockers to trap ‘flour’ of the extracted gold. Here, in lines 5-7, the writer explains, “ … . .. Some miners added small amounts of mercury to the bottom of the rocker. Due to its chemical composition, it had a facility to trap fine gold. .. .”     

Here, Some miners added small amounts of mercury = a process was introduced involving mercury, it had a facility to trap fine gold = ensure no gold was washed out,

So, the answer is: mercury



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