The Ielts Bridge

IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 130

Part 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Going away party for Albert

Date – August 24th

Place: (1)  grill
People to invite: (2)  from college
(3)  and boss
Date to send out invites: (4)  August

Need to ask each person for this much money: (5) $ 

Gift idea: (6)  light

For the meal: Buffet (7)  is probably cheaper than everyone ordering individually
People can buy drinks themselves or (8) 

Ask people to bring: A/ an (9)  for music
Digital (10)  or ones that can be scanned

Part 2: Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. To find out more about reservations, one needs to
 A click a link in a corner of the page
 B navigate to another page on the website
 C call a number that is at the bottom of the page

12. ‘Extreme Tours’ are special vacation packages for those
 A who desire to visit safe destinations
 B who need to see familiar places
 C who want to have a really exciting experience

13. The travel agency says these excursions will give people the chance to
 A see famous and well-known tourist sites
 B test themselves and become stronger
 C buy lots of interesting souvenirs

14. The company has offices in South America, Australia and
 A North America
 B Southeast Asia
 C Europe

15. Unlike other companies, Fremen allows you to
 A hire a car for the duration of your vacation
 B travel about independently
 C speak with a travel agent for free

16. Included in all tour packages is the cost of
 A airfare, accommodation and transportation
 B food and entertainment
 C tour guides

Questions 17-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

LocationLength of tour packageSpecial highlights of offer
The Andes (17)………… Perufive dayspeople are friendly, generous and have (18)…………….
The city of Chiang Mai in Thailand(19)…………..daysunique culture, able to see elephants
Australiafourteen daysable to see some of the continent’s most (20)…………..

(17)                   (18) 
(19)                  (20) 

Part 3: Questions 21-26
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Project numberMaterials neededProcedure
Project 1scissors, markers, stiff paper and pieces of (21)……………….cut out holes for eyes and nose. Then (22)…………… the mask
Project 2shoebox, styrofoam and other materialsstudents can make a (23)……………scene or somewhere they have been before
Project 3egg cartons and pipe cleaners which are flexible lengths of (24)…………….that are furrystick pipe cleaners into egg cartons to make animals
Project 4white or brown bags, markers and pieces of feltstudents can decorate the (25)………….of the paper bag
Project 5paper mache, made by tearing up newspapers into strips and dipping them into starchcan cover any (26)……………….with the strips like a blown up balloon

(21)                            (22) 
(23)                           (24) 
(25)                           (26) 

Questions 27-30
What problems do Jimi and Janis identify for each art project?

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-G next to questions 27-30.

A might take too much time
B seems really messy
C may have already done it
D might be too easy
E might be hard to get materials
seems dangerous
might be too difficult
Project 1: (27)………………..

Project 2: (28)………………..

Project 3: Example E

Project 4: (29)………………..

Project 5: (30)………………..

(27)                    (28) 
(29)                    (30) 

Part 4: Questions 31-35
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

The Gray Wolf
They might prey on animals people depend on for a living, but wolves are actually a (31)  of the Earth’s living system.

Wolves hunt in small group and have a well developed (32) 

At the top of the hierarchy are an alpha male and an alpha (33) 

The alpha pair’s pups are usually the B  successfully.

Challenges for leadership do not always lead to physical (35)  but are mostly for show.

Questions 36-38
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

36. Gray wolves are now found only in Canada, Alaska, Northern Eurasia and
 A many other places in the southern hemisphere
 B a few other isolated areas in the world
 C on the Indian subcontinent

37. Supporters of the reintroduction program agreed to
 A give money to people whose cattle were at risk
 B delay restoring the wolf population for several years
 C fund more studies

38. After reintroducing the wolves, biodiversity in Yellowstone Park increased and
 A maintained itself
 B fell soon afterwards
 C stayed exactly the same

Questions 39 and 40
Choose TWO letters A-F.

What are TWO results of the wolf reintroduction program in Yellowstone Park?

 A ranchers have become angry
 B there are fewer tourists in Yellowstone
 C eagle and hawk species have increased
 D Yellowstone is not as healthy as before
 E the local economy has benefitted
 F local population are fearful



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