The Ielts Bridge

How sugar is produced from sugarcane. IELTS Cambridge 16 – Test 2 (Task 1)


Question – The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write atleast 150 words .

The diagram illustrates the step-by-step manufacturing process for producing sugar from sugar cane. Initially, workers manually cut mature sugar cane and transport it to the processing facility. The second phase includes crushing the harvested sugar cane to extract juice, a crucial step in sugar production.

After extracting juice, the subsequent stage focuses on purifying and clarifying. The juice undergoes heating and treatment with lime to eliminate impurities, resulting in a clarified liquid. This liquid then undergoes further processing through multiple filtration stages to ensure the removal of any residual solids.

The final steps involve concentrating and crystallizing the purified liquid. Boiling the clarified juice reduces its water content, forming a concentrated syrup. Gradually, the syrup undergoes crystallization, producing sugar crystals. The end product is refined sugar ready for packaging and distribution.

In summary, the sugar manufacturing process involves harvesting and crushing sugar cane, extracting juice, purifying and clarifying the liquid, and finally concentrating and crystallizing it to produce refined sugar. The diagram offers a comprehensive overview of the sequential stages in creating sugar from sugar cane.



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