The Ielts Bridge

Follow up questions for – Describe a job you would not

Describe a job you would not like to do in the future

1. What kind of jobs do young people prefer?
The younger generation prefers occupations that involve creativity and provide opportunities for independent work. They also seek well-paying jobs that demand less physical exertion. In our nation, a significant portion of graduates finds employment in the IT industry, with many opting for roles such as programmers or IT administrators.

2. Some people will lose their jobs because of technology, how to deal with it?
I believe it is the government’s duty to provide training in emerging technologies for these individuals, enabling them to secure alternative employment. Failure to do so could result in widespread unemployment, posing a significant threat to society.

3. Will you settle down in another country?
Certainly, should a favorable job prospect arise in a developed nation, I would be inclined to establish myself there. I believe that failing to settle down early may hinder one’s chances of achieving success, resulting in a perpetually stressful life.

4. How do young people today decide their career?
Today’s generation enjoys a myriad of career choices. Unlike the past, where young individuals often sought guidance from family members in choosing their profession, contemporary youth have a diverse range of role models from various fields, empowering them to make independent career decisions. Many also prefer exploring multiple jobs before settling on a definitive choice. Additionally, they engage in extensive research to assess the future prospects associated with different occupations.

5. Which do young people generally prefer – boring jobs with higher pay or interesting jobs with lower pay?
In contemporary times, the younger generation is astute, recognizing that pursuing activities they genuinely enjoy is essential for lasting happiness. Consequently, they prioritize professions aligned with their passions, relegating monetary considerations to a secondary role.

6. Which do you prefer physical work or work involving thinking?
I prefer intellectual work over work that requires a lot of physical effort. I feel work that stimulates your mind is more satisfying as compared to physical work which is monotonous.

7. Do you think today we have less physical labour than we did in the past?
Indeed, contemporary times demand less physical exertion than earlier eras. The progress in technology has led to enhanced comfort and convenience in our lives. Tasks that once demanded strenuous effort in the past can now be accomplished with a simple click of a button.



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