The Ielts Bridge

Follow ups questions for-Describe when someone gave you

Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted /a gift your received

1. What is the relationship between shopping and economy of your country?
Shopping and the country’s economy share a mutual relationship, with shopping contributing to economic improvement and economic growth fostering increased shopping activity.

2. What are the things young people like to buy?
Young people are inclined to purchase items such as clothing, shoes, and electronic gadgets, among various other products.

3. How your friends influence your shopping choice?
Friends play a role in influencing my shopping choices by recommending specific items. They are particularly brand-conscious, actively seeking offers from different branded stores to capitalize on discounts and promotions.

4. Is consumption important to a country?
Consumption holds great importance for a country’s progress, as it drives customer demand, mass production, employment, and overall business profitability. However, unchecked overconsumption can lead to negative consequences like fostering a materialistic society and causing environmental damage.

5. What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?
When children express desires for items their friends possess, parents should impart an understanding of the distinction between needs and wants. Open communication about the family’s financial constraints encourages responsibility and discourages demands solely driven by peer pressure.

6. Why do people buy things that are not necessary?
People may purchase unnecessary items due to materialistic tendencies, societal pressures, or the belief that the items may prove useful in the future.

7. Should employees have their own goals?
Employees should establish their own goals to navigate the evolving work landscape driven by technological advancements and the need for continuous skill updates.

8. How should bosses reward employees?
Employers can reward employees through various means, including performance-based monetary incentives, recognition such as an employee of the month badge, or mentions in company newsletters or blogs. Additionally, offering time off from work is an effective way to acknowledge the challenges of maintaining work-life balance.

9. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as gifts?
The preferred gifts for young people often revolve around technological gadgets and clothing, aligning with their technology-centric lifestyles.

10. How should children spend their allowance?
Children should be empowered to decide how to spend their allowance based on their interests, such as purchasing sporting goods. However, parents should enforce strictness if children misuse their allowances.

11. Why do people like shopping more than in the past?
The inclination towards shopping has increased compared to the past due to growing materialism, the desire for new products, and increased disposable income, enabling more significant purchasing power.

12. Do you think shopping is a good for a country’s economy?
While excessive shopping has drawbacks, it is generally beneficial for a country’s economy as it generates demand, stimulates job creation, and promotes industrial growth. However, it may also contribute to increased societal debt, posing potential detriments.



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