The Ielts Bridge


Reading Passage 1: Passage without title (about Hearing Problems)  

Questions 1-6: (Identifying information):

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 1: an account of a national policy initiative

Keywords for the question: national policy initiative

IN the beginning of Section H, the writer mentions, “The New Zealand Government has developed a New Zealand Disability Strategy and has embarked on a wide-ranging consultation process.”

Here, New Zealand Disability Strategy is the name of the policy and it is a national policy as it is developed by the New Zealand government.

So, the answer is: H

Question 2: a description of a global team effort

Keywords for the question: global team effort

In the last lines of Section C, the author mentions, “The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE), on the advice of the World Health Organization, has established an international working party, which includes New Zealand, to evaluate noise and reverberation control for school rooms.”

Here, an international working party = global team effort

So, the answer is: C

Question 3:  a hypothesis as to one reason behind the growth in classroom noise 

Keywords for the question: reason, growth, classroom noise,   

Section B starts with this line, “A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils… . .. . ” Then in lines 7-9 the writer says, “.. . . . This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels, which have the potential to be particularly serious for children experiencing auditory function deficit.”

Here, phrases such as A preliminary study and which have the potential to be indicates that the reason behind growth in classroom noise is a hypothesis because it is not confirmed.

So, the answer is: B   

Question 4:  a demand for suitable worldwide regulations

Keywords for the question: suitable, worldwide regulations,    

The last line of Section I give us the answer. “It is imperative that the needs of these children are taken into account in the setting of appropriate international standards to be promulgated in future.”

Here, It is imperative means that a demand has been made. Also, international standards = worldwide regulations,

So, the answer is: I     

Question 5: a list of medical conditions which place some children more at risk from noise than others

Keywords for the question: medical conditions, children, more at risk, from noise, than others,  

In Section D we can find the medical conditions which place some children at more risk from noise. Those conditions are, “… . . hearing impairment, autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD).

So, the answer is: D   

Question 6:  the estimated proportion of children in New Zealand with auditory problems

Keywords for the question: estimated proportion, children in New Zealand, auditory problems,     

The last lines of Section A points us to the answer. Here, the author says, “ . .. . . The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.”

So, the answer is: A   

Questions 7-10: Short answer to open questions (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)

[In this kind of questions candidates have to answer some questions, only with some conditions like NO MORE THAN THREE/TWO WORDS and/or A NUMBER or, ONE WORD ONLY. Each question has keywords which will lead to the answer. This question type generally follows a sequence.]

Question 7: For what period of time has hearing loss in schoolchildren been studied in New Zealand?

Keywords for the question: hearing loss, schoolchildren, studied in New Zealand,  

In Section A, in the last lines the writer says, “. .. . . The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.”

The lines suggest that the study on hearing loss in schoolchildren has been done for two decades.

So, the answer is: two decades          

Question 8: In addition to machinery noise, what other type of noise can upset children with autism? 

Keywords for the question: addition to machinery noise, upset, children with autism,

The answer lies in Section E. Here, in lines 9-10, the writer states, “. . . Those experiencing these disorders often find sounds such as crowd noise and the noise generated by machinery painful and distressing.”

Here, other than noise created by machines, the type of noise that can upset children is crowd noise.

So, the answer is: crowd (noise)

Question 9: What term is used to describe the hearing problems of schoolchildren which have not been diagnosed?

Keywords for the question: hearing problems, schoolchildren, not been diagnosed,

In the last lines of paragraph G, the author says, “It is probable that many undiagnosed children exist in the education system with ‘invisible’ disabilities.”

Here, have not been diagnosed = undiagnosed

So, the answer is: invisible (disabilities/disability)

Question 10: What part of the New Zealand Disability Strategy aims to give schoolchildren equal opportunity?

Keywords for the question: What part, New Zealand Disability Strategy, aims, schoolchildren, equal opportunity,

In paragraph H, the writer says, “Objective 3 of the New Zealand Disability Strategy is to ‘Provide the Best Education for Disabled People’ by improving education so that all children, youth learners and adult  learners will have equal opportunities to learn and develop within their already existing school.”

So, the answer is: Objective 3  

Questions 11 & 12: (Choosing the TWO best answers)

[In this type of question, candidates are asked TWO best possible answers for one question. Candidates need to write the correct LETTERS for the answers.  Here, the techniques for Multiple Choice Questions are applicable.]

Question 11 & 12: The list below includes factors contributing to classroom noise.

Which TWO are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

A. Current teaching methods

B. Echoing corridors

C. Cooling systems

D. Large class sizes

E. Loud-voiced teachers

F. Playground games

Keywords for the question: factors, contributing, classroom noise,      

In paragraph B, the writer states in lines 2-5, “Modern teaching practices, the organisation of desks in the   classroom, poor classroom acoustics, and mechanical means of ventilation such as air- conditioning units all contribute to the number of children unable to comprehend the teacher’s voice.”

Here, Modern teaching practices = current teaching methods,

mechanical means of ventilation such as air-conditioning units = cooling systems,

So, the answers are: (in either order)



Question 13: Multiple choice questions

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is found as the last question so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers for previous questions gives you a good idea about the title.]

What is the writer’s overall purpose in writing this article?

A. To compare different methods of dealing with auditory problems

B. To provide solutions for overly noisy learning environments

C. To increase awareness of the situation of children with auditory problems

D. To promote New Zealand as a model for other countries to follow

Keywords for the question: overall purpose,  

If you take a close look at the beginning of the passage, you will find the writer alerting us by stating that “Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school. This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole.”

Then, in the following sections, the author gives a detailed description of the situation of hearing deficit in schoolchildren in New Zealand by discussing the causes, effects and ways out to this problem.

So, overall, the writer’s purpose or aim is obviously to ‘increase awareness of the situation of children with auditory problems”.

So, the answer is: C

Reading Passage 2: Venus in transit

Questions 14-17 (Identifying information):

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 14: examples of different ways in which the parallax principle has been applied

Keywords for the question: different ways, parallax principle, applied, 

The first lines of paragraph F indicates that the parallax principle has been applied in several ways using different measurements. “But astronomers labored hard to analyse the results of these expeditions to observe Venus transits. Johann Franz Encke, Director of the Berlin Observatory, finally determined a value for the AU based on all these parallax measurements.”

Here, determined a value . . .. . all these parallax measurements =  different ways …. Parallax principle ….applied,

So, the answer is: F

Question 15: a description of an event which prevented a transit observation

Keywords for the question: event, prevented, transit observation, 

Take a look at the very last line of paragraph D, “Ironically, after travelling nearly 50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.”

Here, his view was clouded out at the last moment = the event which prevented the observation,

So, the answer is: D

Question 16: a statement about potential future discoveries leading on from transit observations

Keywords for the question: potential future discoveries, transit observations, 

TIPS: It is generally observed in IELTS exam that any statement indicating “future” is mostly found in the last paragraphs. So, when you are asked to look for ‘future’, go straight to the last paragraph.

In paragraph G, the last lines give us the answer, “. . . But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos – detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.”

Here, paved the way for  = leading on from, might prove to be = future, breakthroughs = discoveries,

So, the answer is: G

Question 17: a description of physical states connected with Venus which early astronomical instruments failed to overcome

Keywords for the question: physical states, connected, Venus, early astronomical instruments, failed,  

The last lines of paragraph E indicate the answer for us. “.. .. . . this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.”

Here, made it impossible to obtain = failed to overcome

So, the answer is: E

Questions 18-21: (Matching statements with correct person or people):

(The rules for finding answers to this sort of question are simple. Just find the keywords and read around different names of people or person carefully. Then, give a quick look to check whether there is another statement or idea provided by the same person in the text. If there is, check the reference carefully and decide your answer. Remember, the questions may not follow any sequential order. )

Question 18: He calculated the distance of the Sun from the Earth based on observations of Venus with a fair degree of accuracy.

Keywords for this question: distance, observations of Venus, accuracy,

In paragraph F, the writer says in lines 2-5, “. …  . . Johann Franz Encke, Director of the Berlin Observatory, finally determined a value for the AU based on all these parallax measurements: 153,340,000  km. Reasonably accurate for the time, that is quite close to today’s value of 149,597,870 km. . .. ..”

Here, a fair degree of accuracy = Reasonably accurate,

AU (Astronomical Unit) = distance of the Earth from the Sun (in paragraph B)

So, the answer is: D (Johann Franz Encke)

Question 19: He understood that the distance of the Sun from the Earth could be worked out by comparing observations of a transit.

Keywords for this question: distance, worked out by comparing observations,

In paragraph B we find how Edmund Halley realised the observation of a transit could help find out the distance between the Earth and the Sun, “He realised that from different latitudes, the passage of the planet across the Sun’s disc would appear to differ. By timing the transit from two widely-separated locations, teams of astronomers could calculate the parallax angle – the apparent difference in position of an astronomical body due to a difference in the observer’s position. Calculating this angle would allow astronomers to measure what was then the ultimate goal: the distance of the Earth from the Sun.”

So, the answer is: A (Edmund Halley)

Question 20: He realised that the time taken by a planet to go around the Sun depends on its distance from the Sun.

Keywords for this question: time, around the Sun, distance from the Sun,

Paragraph C talks about Johannes Kepler’s realisation about timing of the orbit done by a planet around the Sun. Here, the writer says, “Johannes Kepler, in the early 17th century, had shown that the distances of the planets from the Sun governed their orbital speeds, which were easily measurable.”

Here, go around means orbit (orbital)

So, the answer is: B (Johannes Kepler)

Question 21: He witnessed a Venus transit but was unable to make any calculations.

Keywords for this question: Venus transit, unable, make calculations,

In lines 4-6 of paragraph D, the writer sympathizes Guillaume Le Gentil which indicates that he was unable to do something, “. . .. . The person who deserves most sympathy is the French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil.” Then follow the last lines, “ .. . Ironically, after travelling nearly 50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.”

So, the answer is: C (Guillaume Le Gentil)

Questions 22-26 (TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN)

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSEIf there is no information on this  – NOT GIVEN

[For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 22: Halley observed one transit of the planet Venus.

Keywords for this question: Halley, observed, transit, Venus,

In the last few lines of paragraph C, the writer says, “. . .and Halley worked out that by using Venus it would be possible to measure the Sun’s distance to 1 part in 500. But there was a problem: transits of Venus, unlike those of Mercury, are rare, occurring in pairs roughly eight years apart every hundred or so years. Nevertheless, he accurately predicted that Venus would cross the face of the Sun in both 1761 and 1769 – though he didn’t survive to see either.

These lines suggest that Halley predicted the transits of Venus but he was not able to observe any transit because he died before that.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 23: Le Gentil managed to observe a second Venus transit.

Keywords for this question: Le Gentil, observe, second Venus transit,

In paragraph D, the writer states in lines 8-11, “Undaunted, he remained south of the equator ….before setting off to observe the next transit in thePhilippines. Ironically, after traveling nearly 50,000 kilometers, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.”

Here, his view was clouded out = he could not observe the transit, 

The lines suggest that Le Gentil was not able to observe a second Venus transit in the Philippines due to the thickness of the cloud.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 24: The shape of Venus appears distorted when it starts to pass in front of the Sun.

Keywords for this question: shape, distorted, pass in front of the sun,

In paragraph E, take a look at lines 1-3, “While the early transit timings were as precise as instruments would allow, the measurements were dogged by the ‘black drop’ effect. When Venus begins to cross the Sun’s disc, it looks smeared not circular.”

Here, pass in front of the Sun = cross the Sun’s disc, distorted = smeared not circular

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 25: Early astronomers suspected that the atmosphere on Venus was toxic.

Keywords for this question: early astronomers, suspected, atmosphere on Venus, toxic,

There is no information in this passage about the atmosphere of Venus.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 26: The parallax principle allows astronomers to work out how far away distant stars are from the Earth.

Keywords for this question: parallax principle, how far, stars, Earth,

In paragraph F, take a look at lines 7-10, “The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars. If we look at a star in January – when Earth is at one point in its orbit – it will seem to be in a different position from where it appears six month later. Knowing the width of Earth’s orbit, the parallax shift lets astronomers calculate the distance.”

The lines suggest that the parallax principles can be used to measure the distance between different stars and the Earth.

So, the answer is: TRUE

Reading Passage 3: A neuroscientist reveals how to think differently

Questions 27-31   (Multiple choice questions)

[‘Multiple choice questions’ is a common type of question set in IELTS Reading test. It is also found in Listening test.  Most of the time, they come with four options but sometimes there are three options. Candidates need to work hard for this type of questions because this may confuse them easily in passage 2 or passage 3. There will be long answers for each question, so they may kill valuable time. So, quick reading or skimming technique might come handy here.  Remember that answers in 3 options out of 4 will be very close. So, vocabulary power will help a lot to choose the best answer.

TIPS: Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.]

Question 27: Neuroeconomics is a field of study which seeks to –

Keywords for this question: Neuroeconomics, seeks to,

In the first paragraph, the writer says in lines 3-5, “These discoveries have led to the field known as neuroeconomics which studies the brain’s secrets to success in an economic environment that demands innovation and being able to do things differently from competitors.”

The lines suggest that neuroeconomics is the field of study that looks for understanding the link between brain and creativity that leads to achievement in different competitions.

Here, success = achievements

So, the answer is: C (understand how brain is linked to achievement in competitive fields)

Question 28: According to the writer, iconoclasts are distinctive because –

Keywords for this question: iconoclasts, distinctive, because,

Take a look at lines 1-3 of paragraph no. 2, “This definition implies that iconoclasts are different from other people, but more precisely, it is their brains that are different in three distinct ways: perception, fear response, and social intelligence.”

The lines indicate that iconoclasts are different from other people (distinctive) because their brains works differently.

So, the answer is: B (their brains function differently)

Question 29: According to the writer, the brain works efficiently because –

Keywords for this question: brain, works efficiently, because,

In paragraph 3, the author states in lines 3-6, “For example, when confronted with information streaming from the eyes, the brain will interpret this information in the quickest way possible. Thus it will draw on both past experience and any other source of information… . ”

So, according to the passage, the brain functions quickly because it depends on events of the past.

Here, quickly = in the quickest way, depends on = draw on, events of the past = past experience,

So, the answer is: D (it relies on previous events)

Question 30: The writer says that perception is –

Keywords for this question: perception,   

Take a close look at the end of paragraph no. 3, the author states in the last lines, “More than the physical reality of photons and sound waves, perception is a product of the brain.”

The lines indicate that perception is the outcome/product of the brain.

So, the answer is: C (a result of brain processes)

Question 31: According to the writer, an iconoclastic thinker –

Keywords for this question: iconoclastic thinker,   

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 4. Here, the writer says in lines, “Iconoclasts, either because they were born that way or through learning, have found ways to work around the perceptual shortcuts that plague most people.”

Here, work around = avoid, perpetual shortcuts that plague = cognitive traps,

So, the answer is: B (avoids cognitive traps)

Questions 32-37: (YES, NO, NOT GIVEN)

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the claims of the writer – YESThe statement in the question contradicts the claims of the writer – NOIf it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this – NOT GIVEN

[For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 32: Exposure to different events forces the brain to think differently.

Keywords for this question: exposure, different events, forces, think differently,   

The answer for this question is in paragraph no. 5. In the beginning of the paragraph the writer says, “The best way to see things differently to other people is to bombard the brain with things it has never encountered before. Novelty releases the perceptual process from the chains of past experience and forces the brain to make new judgments.”

Here, think differently = make new judgments, exposure to different event = to bombard the brain with things it has never encountered before.

So, the answer is: YES

Question 33: Iconoclasts are unusually receptive to new experiences.

Keywords for this question: iconoclasts, usually, receptive, new experiences,   

In paragraph no. 5, take a look at lines 3-4, where the author says, “Successful iconoclasts have an extraordinary willingness to be exposed to what is fresh and different.”

Here, have an extraordinary willingness to be exposed = unusually receptive, fresh and different = new experiences,

So, the answer is: YES

Question 34: Most people are too shy to try different things.

Keywords for this question: most people, too shy, try, different things,

From this passage, we just learn that people avoid such things or activities which they try to avoid. However, the writer does not mention whether most people are shy too try different things or not.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN   

Question 35: If you think in an iconoclastic way, you can easily overcome fear.

Keywords for this question: exposure, different events, forces, think differently,  

In paragraph no. 6, in lines 2-3, the writer states, “Fear is a major impediment to thinking like an iconoclast and stops the average person in his tracks.”

This means fear works as a blockade against thinking like an iconoclast. So, if someone thinks like an iconoclast, he/she cannot overcome fear.

So, the statement is contradictory.

So, the answer is: NO

Question 36: When concern about embarrassment matters less, other fears become irrelevant.

Keywords for this question: iconoclasts, usually, receptive, new experiences,  

There is no information in relation to embarrassment being more or less.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 37: Fear of public speaking is a psychological illness.

Keywords for this question: most people, too shy, try, different things,

We find the mention of public speaking in paragraph no. 6. Here, in lines 5-7, “But fear of public speaking, which everyone must do from time to time, afflicts one-third of the population. This makes it too common to be considered a mental disorder. It is simply a common variant of human nature, one which iconoclasts do not let inhibit their reactions.”

Here, too common to be considered a mental disorder = so common that it cannot be considered a psychological illness,

So, the statement in the passage contradicts the question.

So, the answer is: NO 

Questions 38-40: (Completing sentences with correct ending)

[For this type of question, candidates need to match the beginning and ending of sentences. Candidates need to look for keywords in the sentence beginnings and find the relative paragraphs and then sentences in the passage. Skimming and scanning, both reading skills are essential for this question-type.]

Question 38: Thinking like a successful iconoclast is demanding because it –

Keywords for this question: thinking like, successful iconoclast, demanding, because,    

In lines 1-2 of paragraph no. 7, the author says, “. .. . to be successful iconoclasts, individuals must sell their ideas to other people. This is where social intelligence comes in.” Here, we can understand that successful iconoclasts need social intelligence. Then, in lines 7-8, we find the reference to perceptual skills, “Perception is important in social cognition too…”. Finally, in the last lines, the writer talks about the demand of thinking like a successful iconoclast, “Understanding how perception becomes intertwined with social decision making shows why successful iconoclasts are so rare.”

Here, rare = demanding

So, the answer is: A (requires both perceptual and social intelligence skills)

Question 39: The concept of the social brain is useful to iconoclasts because it –

Keywords for this question: concept, social brain, useful, iconoclasts, because,     

In paragraph no. 7, take a look at lines 3-7, “In the last decade there has been an explosion of knowledge about the social brain and how the brain works when groups coordinate decision making. Neuroscience has revealed which brain circuits are responsible for functions like understanding what other people think, empathy, fairness, and social identity. These brain regions play key roles in whether people convince others of their ideas.”

So, the lines suggest that the concept of ‘social brain’ plays key roles (is useful) to iconoclasts as these brain regions focuses on group-decision making.

Here, groups decide on an action = groups coordinate decision making

So, the answer is: B (focuses on how groups decide on an action)

Question 40: Iconoclasts are generally an asset because their way of thinking –

Keywords for this question: iconoclasts, generally, asset, because, way of thinking,

The last paragraph gives us the answer. In lines 1-4, the author says, “Iconoclasts create new opportunities in every area from artistic expression to technology to business. They supply creativity and innovation not easily accomplished by committees. Iconoclasts face alienation and failure, but can also be an asset to any organisation.”

The lines indicate that iconoclasts are an asset because their process of thinking works in artistic and scientific fields.

So, the answer is: C (works in many fields, both artistic and scientific)



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