The Ielts Bridge

Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve.

Question – Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve.
You should say:
– What the goal is
– How long have you had this goal

– How you would achieve it
-And explain why you set this goal.

  • Establishing goals holds great significance in life.
  • Goals provide a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Without goals, there is a lack of motivation and something to strive for.
  • Personally, I set short-term goals, such as excelling in exams, and work diligently to accomplish them.
  • However, my overarching long-term objective is to provide a comfortable life for my family.
  • Having witnessed financial struggles within my family, I aspire to ensure they experience ease in life.
  • Having recently completed my senior secondary/graduation, I plan to pursue higher education abroad.
  • Recognizing the substantial journey ahead, I aim to first complete my education in Canada, subsequently securing a good job and achieving financial stability.
  • Observing relatives in Canada enjoying a lavish lifestyle motivates me to strive for the same for my parents.
  • They have saved money to support my education in Canada, and I anticipate working part-time to cover additional expenses, sparing my parents any undue burden.
  • My ultimate goal is to relieve my family of financial strain and offer them a more comfortable life.
  • Simultaneously, I aspire to be a contributing member of society.
  • Believing in the principle of sharing, I feel it is essential to give back to the less fortunate if blessed with more.
  • I would find immense happiness in achieving these goals.



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