The Ielts Bridge

Follow up questions for – Describe a piece of good advice that

Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone

1. Do you think parents should give their children advice?
Certainly, parents should actively advise their children. With their wealth of life experience, parents can effectively guide their children in making sound decisions and steering clear of mistakes.

2. Should teachers give students advice?
Certainly! Teachers can offer valuable advice to students, particularly regarding academic matters. They actively contribute to students’ learning and personal growth, fostering development both academically and as individuals.

3. Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice?
Listening to friends’ advice can be beneficial. Friends know us well and can offer insights or suggestions when we face challenges or decisions.

4. How do people give young people and old people advice?
People give advice to young and old individuals in different ways. Young people may receive advice informally through conversations, while older individuals might receive advice from professionals like doctors or lawyers.

5. What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice?
People generally prefer accepting advice in domains where they lack expertise or experience. For instance, they may be more inclined to heed financial advice from a financial advisor. Conversely, in areas where they feel confident, they may be less open to receiving advice.

6. Have you ever received any advice from professional people, like a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher?
Yes, I have received advice from professionals like doctors and teachers. Doctors give medical advice to maintain good health, and teachers provide guidance on education and personal development. Such advice has been valuable in my life.



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