The Ielts Bridge

Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.

Question – Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
– When did you get it?
– What did you get it for?
– How often do you use it?
– How do you feel about it?

  • We currently live in an era where technology enables tasks once deemed unimaginable, yet it often comes at the expense of simplicity.
  • Today, I want to discuss a washing machine that, despite offering numerous features, proves overly complicated to operate.
  • Recently, our previous washing machine malfunctioned, leading us to purchase a new one.
  • After comparing various models online, I opted for a Gen Z model from a renowned company, which boasted an impressive 102 washing modes for different fabrics.
  • While purchasing, I didn’t consider whether I truly needed 102 modes.
  • Although the machine features 102 modes, it’s impractical to have 102 buttons. Instead, the modes are changed and selected using just 10 buttons.
  • Remembering the specific buttons to press proves challenging, especially for the basic wash cycle that requires the pressing of five buttons in a specific sequence.
  • I consistently need to keep the user manual close at hand.
  • Clicking on the wrong button often forces me to start the process anew, causing frustration.
  • The machine has become headache-inducing to use.
  • Interestingly, our previous maid could easily operate the washing machine.
  • However, the new one is too intricate for her to use, primarily due to the language barrier – she doesn’t know English, and the user manual is exclusively in English.
  • Purchasing this machine has become a regrettable decision, teaching me a valuable lesson.
  • I’ve realized that having more options is not always advantageous.
  • In the future, when making purchases, I will prioritize what I genuinely need over the technological features on offer.
  • I doubt I’ll ever utilize more than five modes in my life.



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