The Ielts Bridge

Describe a situation when you helped someone.

Question – Describe a situation when you helped someone.
You should say:
– What the situation was?
Who the person was?
How you helped them?
– And explain how you felt after helping him/her.

• Human beings are inherently social creatures, and being part of society involves both giving and receiving help.
• An impactful incident illustrating this occurred around two months ago when I assisted a visually impaired gentleman in crossing a busy intersection.
• While waiting at the intersection, I noticed Mr. Singh, a visually impaired man, unsure about crossing due to the surrounding traffic noise.
• Approaching him, I offered assistance, and Mr. Singh expressed gratitude, explaining the challenge he faced in navigating independently.
• Guiding him across the road, we waited for a safe gap in traffic, and upon reaching the other side, Mr. Singh thanked me for the support.
• This encounter left me with a deep sense of fulfillment, emphasizing the profound impact small acts of kindness can have on someone facing challenges.
• Assisting Mr. Singh made me reflect on the importance of empathy and reaching out to those in need.
• The experience underscored the satisfaction derived from making a tangible difference in someone’s life, even if only for a brief moment.
• Modest acts of assistance possess the potential to generate a positive ripple effect globally.



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