The Ielts Bridge

Describe a speech you gave

Question – Describe a speech you gave or Describe a talk you gave to a group of people.
You should say:
– When and to whom you gave the speech
– What was the speech about
– Why you gave the speech
– How did you feel about it

  • Although I haven’t delivered numerous speeches in my life, one particular experience stands out.
  • A local NGO organized an environmental fair in my hometown, during which our school principal selected two students for a declamation contest.
  • I, representing the 9th class, had only two days to prepare.
  • Despite initial nervousness, our teacher assisted us in addressing the topic of global warming, a contemporary issue.
  • During the speech, I explored the impact of global warming on the entire planet, emphasizing that humans are both the cause and the solution to this problem.
  • Pollution resulting from deforestation, increased industrialization, and the use of cars and luxuries were key points of discussion.
  • I also delved into the effects of global warming, such as rising sea levels, shifting climates, and the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue.
  • Proposing simple measures like preserving trees, planting more trees, using recycled materials, and avoiding plastic bags, I aimed to address this critical issue.
  • Despite my previous stage shyness, I confidently delivered the speech during the fair, receiving positive feedback from the audience.
  • Winning the first prize not only boosted my confidence but also revealed my oratorical skills.
  • That day remains etched in my memory, and the sense of accomplishment and joy I experienced is something I will never forget.



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