The Ielts Bridge

Follow up questions for-Describe a speech you gave

Describe a speech you gave or Describe a talk you gave to a group of people

1. Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?
People feel nervous when speaking in public for various reasons such as a lack of confidence, insufficient knowledge about the subject, fear of judgment, or introverted tendencies.

2. How can they improve their public speaking skills?
Improving public speaking skills involves acquiring more knowledge about the topic, building confidence through practice with friends and family, utilizing technology for self-assessment through recording, and gaining ample practice before the actual event.

3. What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life?
Throughout my school and college years, I attended diverse speeches and lectures delivered by teachers, guest speakers, and religious leaders on topics ranging from academics to motivational themes and social issues.

4. What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have?
Qualities essential for visiting speakers include confidence, in-depth knowledge, good memory, engagement with the audience through interaction or humor, and clear and confident communication skills.

5. Why do you many people find it hard to give a talk to young children?
Giving a talk to young children is challenging due to their short attention spans, susceptibility to distractions, and the need for engagement strategies such as storytelling to facilitate understanding.

6. Why do people give speech to children?
Speeches to children aim to impart moral or social values, provide knowledge, motivate better performance, or promote organizational skills.

7. Who makes people do so?
Parents, school/college management, local NGOs, and government authorities, such as traffic police, may prompt individuals to give speeches to children.

8. How media relates to the speech to children in school?
Media plays a crucial role in disseminating speeches to children in schools through publications in newspapers or broadcasting on TV, spreading messages and awareness.



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