The Ielts Bridge

Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with

Question – Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.
You should say:
– What the activity was
– Who you were with
– When and where it happened
– Why you went for it
– And explain how you felt about it

  • In recent times, adventure sports have gained immense popularity, attracting numerous young enthusiasts seeking the thrill and excitement they provide.
  • Succumbing to their magnetic appeal, I recently embarked on a bungee jumping adventure in Rishikesh with my close friend, Suresh.
  • Interestingly, a mutual friend had experienced this exhilarating activity with his family earlier in the year, and his enthusiastic account of the adventure motivated us to give it a try.
  • His incessant chatter about the experience continued for an entire month, eventually compelling us to try it ourselves, if only to put an end to his ceaseless tales.
  • Considering Suresh’s mild fear of heights, we also viewed this as an opportunity for him to conquer his apprehensions.
  • During this year’s summer break, Suresh and I chose Rishikesh for our bungee jumping escapade, considering it as the closest and most economical option among various locations offering the activity in India.
  • Reflecting on my emotions, they underwent a transformation over time.
  • Initially, I was brimming with excitement.
  • As the actual date approached, my enthusiasm became tinged with a hint of nervousness.
  • I remained excited, albeit with a touch of apprehension.
  • Just moments before the jump, thoughts of canceling and retreating crossed my mind.
  • However, witnessing Suresh overcome his fear of heights to take the leap inspired me to push through my own reservations.
  • With that thought in mind, I forged ahead, still harboring fear but managing to keep it in check.
  • Upon taking the plunge, my fear dissipated instantly, replaced by an overwhelming sense of exhilaration.
  • It felt as though I had accomplished the seemingly impossible.
  • The only letdown was that the experience was far briefer than I had envisioned.



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