The Ielts Bridge

Follow up questions for-Describe a bad service you received

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

1. How do most people respond to bad services?
When people encounter bad services, they typically respond with feelings of unhappiness or frustration. They may engage with the service provider to express concerns or seek a resolution. Some individuals opt to share negative experiences with friends and family or post online reviews to caution others about the subpar service.

2. Are services currently superior to those in the past?
Advancements in technology and elevated standards generally characterize improved services today compared to the past. Modern technology enables faster and more convenient services. Nevertheless, some individuals contend that past services were more personalized and caring, in contrast to today’s automated and impersonal approach.

3. What constitutes bad services?
Not all services are inherently bad; rather, a service earns that label when it falls short of fulfilling its promised offering. For instance, if a restaurant serves low-quality food or experiences delays, it qualifies as a bad service.

4. Why do some individuals opt for silence when faced with bad services?
Certain individuals choose silence, considering it futile to complain about poor service. They believe that lodging a complaint may lead to unnecessary arguments, which they prefer to avoid.

5. Who bears responsibility for bad services?
Responsibility for bad services typically falls on the service provider since it is their duty to ensure customers are not left dissatisfied. The responsibility might vary depending on the situation.

6. How would you, as a boss, prevent bad services?
As a boss, I would ensure meticulous organization and comprehensive staff training to adeptly handle all requests. Additionally, staff members would be trained to maintain politeness and courtesy when interacting with customers.



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