The Ielts Bridge


Reading Passage 1: The Context, Meaning and Scope of Tourism

Questions 1-7: (List of Headings)

[To find answers for List of Headings, check the first and (occasionally) the last few lines of each paragraph. Most of the time, the answer is there for you containing some synonymous words, which have a match with the lists of headings. If you cannot find the answers in the first and last few lines, you may need to check the middle of the paragraphs. This we did in other tests too.]

Question 1: Paragraph B

In the first line of Paragraph B the author talks about tourism. Then in the second line, the author says, “.. .. Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and the availability of relatively inexpensive transportation.” Then the author talks about the creation of commercial airline industry…. .  And then, “… .. This growth led to the development of a major new industry: tourism.”

So, the answer is: ii (The development of mass tourism)

Question 2: Paragraph C

Read only the first line of paragraph C. “Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance.” This first line is the main idea of the whole paragraph.

So, the answer is: i (Economic and social significance of tourism)

Question 3: Paragraph D

Again, we should read the first lines which provide us with the main idea. “However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself “. It means it has become difficult to recognise (hidden/obscured) the economic impacts of tourism.

So, the answer is: v (Difficulty in recognising the economic effects of tourism)              

Question 4: Paragraph E

Read lines 3-5 where the author says, “…. .. . . suggests that tourism has become the largest commodity in international trade for many nations and, for a significant number of other countries, it ranks second or third.” Then, he shows some examples. So, the lines show the impact of tourism worldwide.

So, the answer is: vii (The world impact of tourism)                      

Questions 5-10: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the account in the text- TRUE
The statement in the question contradicts the account in the text- FALSE
The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

[For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 5: The largest employment figures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry.

Keywords for the question: largest employment figures, travel and tourism industry

For this question, we have to look at figures of employment. So, we need to find out words like ‘employment’, ‘employee’, ‘employer’ etc. In paragraph C, the author says in lines 9-10, “The travel and tourism industry is the world’s largest employer with almost 130 million jobs, or almost 7 percent of all employees.”

So, the answer is: TRUE                   

Question 6: Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product.

Keywords for the question: tourism, over six per cent, Australian, gross, national, product  

There is no mention of the Australian gross national product or Australia in the passage.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 7: Tourism has a social impact because it promotes recreation.

Keywords for the question: tourism, social impact, promotes recreation 

We can find the mention of the ‘social impact’ of tourism in paragraph C. However, the paragraph has no clue about whether or not tourism has a social impact because of its promotion of recreation.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 8: Two main features of the travel and tourism industry make its economic significance difficult to ascertain.

Keywords for the question: two main features, economic significance, difficult to ascertain

Look closely at paragraph D. The first lines say, “However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself.”

The lines mean that two main features of the travel and tourism industry (diversity and fragmentation) have hidden, or obscured (make difficult to ascertain) its economic significance.

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 9: Visitor spending is always greater than the spending of residents in tourist areas.

Keywords for this question: visitor spending, greater, resident spending

We find a mention of ‘spending by visitors’ in line 7 of paragraph D. However, this paragraph does not give us any specific information about any comparison of visitor spending and resident spending.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 10: It is easy to show statistically how tourism affects individual economies.

Keywords for this question: easy to show, statistically, tourism affect economies.

In paragraph E, take a look at the last of the paragraph. “However, because of problems of definition, which directly affect the statistical measurement, it is not possible with any degree of certainty to provide precise, valid or reliable data about the extent of world-wide tourism participation or its economic impact.”

The lines mean it is not so easy (it is not possible with any degree of certainty) to present statistically (statistical measurement) the impact of tourism.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Questions 11-13 :(Completing sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS):

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to write no more than three words to complete sentences on the given topic. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word/words.]

Question 11: In Greece, tourism is the most important ___________.

Keywords for this question: Greece, most important

We find the mention of Greece in the last paragraph (paragraph E), lines 5-6: “For example, tourism is the major source of income in Bermuda, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and most Caribbean countries.”
Here, major means most important.

So, the answer is: source of income

Question 12: The travel and tourism industry in Jamaica is the major ___________.

Keywords for this question: Jamaica, the major

In paragraph E, look at lines 8-10, where the author says, “…… suggest that the travel and tourism industry is the number one ranked employer in the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, France, (the former) West Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.”

Here, number one ranked means major.

So, the answer is: employer

Question 13: The problems associated with measuring international tourism are often reflected in the measurement of __________.

Keywords for this question: problems, measuring international tourism, often reflected, measurement,

Have a look at the last lines of paragraph E, “However, because of problems of definition, which directly affect statistical measurement, it is not possible with any degree of certainty to provide precise, valid, or reliable data about the extent of world-wide tourism participation or its economic impact. In many cases, similar difficulties arise when attempts are made to measure domestic tourism.”

Here, similar difficulties arise means reflected.

So, the answer is: domestic tourism

Reading Passage 2: Autumn Leaves
Questions 14-18 (Identifying information):

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. For this passage, first answer question 4- 13. After finishing with these questions, come to question 1-3. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 14: a description of the substance responsible for the red colouration of leaves.

Keywords for this question: substance, responsible, red colouration, leaves

For this question we need to find the clue (the substance) which causes the leaves to turn red. Take a look at the first lines of paragraph C. The writer says, “The source of the red is widely known: it is created by anthocyanins, water-soulable plant pigments reflecting the red to blue range of the visible spectrum.”

This means the substance which is responsible for red colouration of leaves is anthocyanins.

So, the answer is: C

Question 15: the reason why trees drop their leaves in the autumn.

Keywords for this question: reason, trees drop, leaves, autumn

In paragraph B lines 3-7 say, “As  fall  approaches  in  the  northern  hemisphere,  the amount  of  solar  energy  available  declines  considerably.  For  many  trees – evergreen  conifers  being  an exception – the  best  strategy is  to  abandon  photosynthesis  until  the  spring.  So  rather  than  maintaining the  now  redundant  leaves  throughout  the  winter,  the  tree  saves  its  precious  resources  and  discards them.”

So, the lines suggest that many trees like the conifers cannot create photosynthesis due to the lack of solar energy. So, they stop their photosynthesis until spring. The tree drops the leaves to save its precious energy.

Here, discards = drops

So, the answer is: B

Question 16: some evidence to confirm a theory about the purpose of the red leaves

Keywords for this question: evidence, confirm, theory, purpose, red leaves.

In paragraph H the writer starts by saying, “Even if you had never suspected that this is what was going on when leaves turn red, there are clues out there.” The lines suggest that there are some clues or evidences which can confirm the purpose of red leaves. Then, in the following lines the writer shows three evidences to confirm the theory.

So, the answer is: H

Question 17: an explanation of the function of chlorophyll

Keywords for this question: function, chlorophyll

In  paragraph  B,  the  author  says in the very first lines, “Summer  leaves  are  green  because  they  are  full  of chlorophyll,  the  molecule  that  captures  sunlight  and  converts  that  energy  into  new  building materials for the tree.”

So, this line explains what chlorophyll does.

So, the answer is: B

Question 18: a suggestion that the red colouration in leaves could serve as a warning signal

Keywords for this question: red colouration, could serve as, warning signal

In paragraph E the first lines talk about a suggestion, “It  has also  been proposed that trees may produce vivid red colours to  convince herbivorous  insects  that they are healthy  and  robust  and would be easily able to  mount chemical defenses against infestation.”

So, this proposal means that the red colouration works as a warning sign for herbivorous insects and protect the trees from those insects.

So, the answer is: E

Questions 19-22 (Completing sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS):

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to write no more than three words to complete sentences on the given topic. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word/words.]

Question 19: The most vividly coloured red leaves are found on the side of the tree facing the _________.

Keywords for this question: most vividly coloured red leaves, found, side, facing

In paragraph H lines 2-3, the writer says,“One is straightforward: on many trees, the leaves that are the reddest are those on the side of the tree which gets most sun.”

Here, the leaves that are the reddest = most vividly coloured red leaves, get = faces

So, the answer is: sun

Question 20: The __________ surfaces of leaves contain the most red pigment.

Keywords for this question: surface, contains, most red pigment

Take a look at lines 3-4 in paragraph H, where the writer says, “Not only that, but the red is brighter on the upper side of the leaf.” Here, the lines mean that the red colour/ pigment is found most (the red is brighter) on the upper side (surface).

So, the answer is: upper

Question 21: Red leaves are most abundant when daytime weather conditions are ________ and sunny.

Keywords for this question: most abundant, daytime weather, sunny

Again, in paragraph H, the writer mentions in lines 4-5, “It has also been recognised for decades that the best conditions for intense red colours are drysunny days and . . … . .  ” The lines suggest that ‘intense red colour’ (Red leaves are most abundant) when the daytime weather is dry and sunny.

So, the answer is: dry

Question 22: The intensity of the red colour of leaves increases as you go further __________.

Keywords for this question: intensity of red colour, increases, go further

In paragraph H lines 7-8, the writer says, “And finally, trees such as maples usually get much redder the more north you travel in the northern hemisphere.”

Here, the lines mean if you travel further north, you will see much redder leaves / the intensity of red colour will increase.

So, the answer is: north

Questions 23-25: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the account in the text- TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts the account in the text- FALSEThe statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

[For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 23: It is likely that the red pigments help to protect the leaf from freezing temperatures.

Keywords for this answer: red pigments, protect, freezing temperatures

In paragraph D, the writer talks about the possibility of the defense mechanism of red pigments in the very first sentence, “Some theories about anthocyanins have argued that they might act as a chemical defense against attacks by insects or fungi, or that they might attract fruit-eating birds or increase a leaf’s tolerance to freezing.”

The statement suggests that red pigment actually increases the leaf’s tolerance to freezing, not protecting the leaf from freezing temperature.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 24: The ‘light screen’ hypothesis would initially seem to contradict what is known about chlorophyll.

Keywords for this answer: light screen hypothesis, seem to contradict, about chlorophyll

In paragraph F, the author mentions in lines 1-3, “Perhaps the most plausible suggestion as to why leaves would go to the trouble of making anthocyanins when they’re busy packing up for the winter is the theory known as the ‘light screen’ hypothesis. It sounds paradoxical, … …”

Here, paradoxical = seems to contradict

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 25: Leaves which turn colours other than red are more likely to be damaged by sunlight.

Keywords for this answer: turn colours other than red, more likely, damaged, sunlight

In paragraph I we find the writer’s confused tone over the issue of colouration of leaves by some trees and not by others. “…. .. is why some trees resort to producing red pigments while others don’t bother, and simply reveal their orange or yellow hues. Do these trees have other means at their disposal to prevent overexposure to light in autumn? …  .. ..”

There is no clue or clear decision regarding this.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 26: Multiple choice question

For which of the following questions does the writer offer an explanation?

why conifers remain green in winter

how leaves turn orange and yellow in autumn

C how herbivorous insects choose which trees to lay their eggs in

D why anthocyanins are restricted to certain trees

In paragraph B we find a clear explanation about how leaves turn orange and yellow in autumn. The writer concludes the paragraph by saying, “.. ..This unmasking explains the autumn colours of yellow and orange. .. . . .. . …”

So, the answer is: B

Reading Passage 3: Beyond the blue horizon  

Questions 27-31 (Summary completion using list of words)

(In this kind of questions candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. As these are Fill in the blanks or gaps, there is a condition of writing the words from given list of words for each answer. The words are given with letters and candidates must fill in the blanks with the correct letter, not the word/words. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords form the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers for fill in the gaps.)

The title of the summary: The Efate burial site

Question 27 and 28: A 3,000-year-old burial ground of a seafaring people called the Lapita has been found on an abandoned 27 _________ on the Pacific Island of Efate. The cemetery, which is a significant 28 _______, was uncovered accidentally by an agricultural worker.

Question 27:

Keywords for this question: 3000 years old burial ground, Lapita, abandoned,  

The answer is found in lines 5-9, where the author mentions the discovery of a 3000-year-old burial site. “… .. . An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of a derelict plantation, scraped open a grave – the first of dozens in a burial ground some 3,000 years old.”

Here, the word ‘derelict’ means ‘abandoned’.

So, the answer is: B (plantation)

Question 28:

Keywords for this question: cemetery, significant,

IMPORTANT TIPS: Generally, all the answers in ‘fill in the blanks’ type of questions maintain sequence. In this question, however, the answer is found way before question no. 1. This can happen in Reading Passage 3 and candidates need to be aware of this.

So, we need to look for keywords which match the keyword ‘significant’. The very first line says, “An important archaeological discovery on the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces . .. . .”  And then, in the next few lines we find the mention of the discovery of the cemetery (burial ground) by an agricultural worker.

So, the answer is: F (archaeological discovery)

Questions 29: The Lapita explored and colonised many Pacific islands over several centuries. They took many things with them on their voyages including __________ and tools.

Keywords for this question: The Lapita, voyages, tools,

We find about the voyages made by the Lapita in the following paragraph. Lines 1-6 of paragraph no. 2 say, “They were daring blue-water adventurers (voyagers) who used basic canoes to rove across the ocean. But they were not just explorers.  They were also pioneers who carried with them everything they would need to build new lives – their livestocktaro seedlings and stone tools.”.

Here, the line inform us of the Lapita taking some important things with them on their voyages or sea/ ocean journeys; livestock, taro seedlings and stone tools. The word ‘livestock’ means ‘animals’, ‘taro seedlings’ mean saplings of some sort of root-type plants and stone tools mean tools made of stone. The word ‘tools’ is mentioned at the end of the question. Therefore, our answer should be either ‘livestock/animals’ or ‘taro seedlings’. In the options given with question, we do not find any synonyms for ‘taro seedlings’.

So, the answer is: I (animals) the word is synonymous to ‘livestock’.

Question 30 and 31: The burial ground increases the amount of information about the Lapita available to scientists. A team of researchers, led by Matthew Spriggs from the Australian National University, are helping with the excavation of the site. Spriggs believes the 30 _______  which was found at the site is very important since it confirms that the 31 ________ found inside are Lapita.

Keywords for these questions: team of researchers, Matthew Spriggs, very important, confirms, found inside

Here, we need to look for thoughts/comments/remarks made by researcher Matthew Spriggs about a discovered material and its importance. Look at lines 6-11 in paragraph no. 3. “Other items included a Lapita burial urn with modeled birds arranged on the rim as though peering down at the human remains sealed inside. . .. . “It’s an important discovery,” says Matthew Spriggs, … . .. .‟ for it conclusively identifies the remains as Lapita.

Here, the lines mean that the team of researchers led by Matthew Spriggs, professor of archaeology at the Australian National University, says that the burial urn found in the discovery is important because it carried human remains inside which proved to the remains of Lapita people.

  • Human remains = bones

So, the answers are:

  • G (burial urn)
  • D (bones)

Questions 32-35 (Multiple choice questions)

[‘Multiple choice questions’ is a common type of question set in IELTS Reading test. It is also found in Listening test.  Most of the time, they come with four options but sometimes there are three options. Candidates need to work hard for this type of questions because this may confuse them easily in passage 2 or passage 3. There will be long answers for each question, so they may kill valuable time. So, quick reading or skimming technique might come handy here.  Remember that answers in 3 options out of 4 will be very close. So, vocabulary power will help a lot to choose the best answer.

TIPS: Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.]

Question 32: According to the writer, there are difficulties explaining how the Lapita accomplished their journeys because –

Keywords for this question: difficulties, explaining, Lapita, accomplished, journeys, because,

In paragraph no. 5, the author mentions,  “There is one stubborn question for which archaeology has yet to provide any answers: how did the Lapita accomplish the ancient equivalent of a moon landing, many times over?  No-one has found one of their canoes or any rigging, which could reveal how the canoes were sailed. Nor do the oral histories and traditions of later Polynesians offer any insights, for they turn into myths long before they reach as far back in time as the Lapita.”

The lines indicate to the fact that archaeology of the present time could not verify all the information relating to their accomplishments made by Lapita so long ago. Even local Polynesians could not provide any insight regarding this matter.

So, the answer is: (Little information relating to this period can be relied upon for accuracy)

Question 33: According to the sixth paragraph, what was extraordinary about the Lapita?

Keywords for this question: sixth paragraph, extraordinary about, Lapita,

In lines 9-14 of paragraph no. 6, the writer states, “The real adventure didn’t begin, however, until their Lapita descendants sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side. This must have been as difficult for them as landing on the moon for us today.”

The lines suggest that the voyages / sailing out of sight of land (beyond the point where land was visible) were really extraordinary for the Lapita as it is compared to landing on the moon.

So, the answer is: A (They sailed beyond the point where land was visible)

Question 34: What does ‘This’ refer to in the seventh paragraph?

Keywords for this question: ‘This’, seventh paragraph,

The answer is in paragraph 7. Here, the writer mentions the comments of Professor Geoff Irwin, “They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn’t find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds. This is what would have made the whole thing work.”

So, in this context, the word ‘this’ indicates to the Lapita people’s belief that if they failed to find anything in the open, wide ocean and they could turn back, the trade winds would guide them and bring them back home swiftly.

So, the answer is: D (the Lapita’s belief they would be able to return home)

Question 35: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant?

Keywords for this question: eighth paragraph, how, geography, significant

The answer is both at the beginning and at the end of paragraph no. 8. In the beginning, the writer says, “For returning explorers, successful or not, the geography of their own archipelagoes would have provided a safety net. Without this to go by, overshooting their home ports, getting lost and sailing off into eternity would have been all too easy.” This means that the geography of the area gave them safety from getting lost in the open ocean. Then at the end of the paragraph, “.. . . ..its scores of intervisible islands forming a backstop for mariners riding the trade winds home.” This line suggests that the mariners used the intervisible islands (islands which can be seen from one island to another) to use trade wind accurately to return home, which means the navigation on returning home was made easy by the geography of the area.

So, the answer is: C (It provided a navigational aid for the Lapita)

Questions 36-40 (YES/NO/NOT GIVEN):

In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the account in the text- YES
The statement in the question contradicts the account in the text- NO
The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.

Question 36: It is now clear that the Lapita could sail into a prevailing wind.

Keywords for this question: now clear, sail into, prevailing wind

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 9. Here, the writer mentions the remarks of Professor Atholl Anderson. Look carefully, “All this presupposes one essential detail, says Atholl Anderson, professor of prehistory at the Australian National University: the Lapita had mastered the advanced art of sailing against the wind. ‘And there’s no proof they could do any such thing.’ Anderson says.”

So, the answer is: NO

Question 37: Extreme climate conditions may have played a role in Lapita migration.

Keywords for this question: extreme climate conditions, Lapita migration  

Take a look at paragraph no. 10, where the writer mentions El Nino. “Rather than give all the credit to human skill, Anderson invokes the winds of chance. El Nino, the same climate disruption that affects the Pacific today, may have helped scatter the Lapita,. …”

Here, Professor Anderson is suggesting the climate disruption (extreme climate condition) named El Nino played a significant role to scatter the Lapita (Lapita migration).

So, the answer is: YES

Question 38: The Lapita learnt to predict the duration of El Ninos.

Keywords for this question: predict, duration, El Ninos,  

We find the mention of El Nino only in paragraph no. 10. However, there is no information regarding the Lapita people learned to predict about the duration of El Nino.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 39: It remains unclear why the Lapita halted their expansion across the Pacific.

Keywords for this question: unclear, halted expansion, the Pacific,

Paragraph no. 11 starts with this line, “However they did it, the Lapita spread themselves a third of the way across the Pacific, then called it quits for reasons known only to them.”

Here, however they did it = It is unclear to us/ the writer, quits for reasons known only to them = only the Lapita knew about the halt (quit) of their expansion

Therefore, the expansion halted by the Lapita for reasons known only to them.

So, the answer is: YES

Question 40: It is likely that the majority of Lapita settled on Fiji.

Keywords for this question: the majority, Fiji,

The last paragraph mentions about Fiji but it doesn’t mention about the number of population settled in Fiji. It only says, “They probably never numbered more than a few thousand in total, . ..” And at the last of the paragraph the number of islands in Fiji is mentioned. “. .. . they encountered hundreds of islands – more than 300 in Fiji alone.”

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN



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