The Ielts Bridge


Section 1::Sustainable School Travel Strategy

Question 1: More children are injured when walking or cycling to school than when travelling by car.

Keywords for this question: children, injured, walking, cycling, to school, than travelling by car,    

There is no mention of ‘injury of children’ anywhere in the text.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 2: Children who are driven to school are more ready to learn than those who walk or cycle. 

Keywords for this question: children, driven to school, more ready to learn, than, walk or cycle,   

The answer can be found at the end of the first paragraph as the writer says here, “ . .. . It has been noted by teachers that children engaging in active travel arrive at school more alert and ready to learn.”

Here, active travel means travelling on foot or by cycle (as the body parts remain active in this way.) So, children are more ready to learn when they walk or cycle to school.

So, the answer is: FALSE                 

Question 3: Every year the Council gathers information about travel to schools.

Keywords for this question: every year, the Council, gathers information, travel to schools,    

At the beginning of the second paragraph, the writer says, “The County Council has a strong commitment to supporting and promoting sustainable school travel. We collect data annually about how pupils get to school … .. .. ..”

Here, collect data = gathers information, annually = every year, how pupils get to school = travel to schools,

This line is a clear match with the question.

So, the answer is: TRUE                   

Question 4: The Council is disappointed with the small reduction in number of cars taking children to school.

Keywords for this question: The Council, disappointed, small reduction, in number of cars, talking children to school,   

In the second paragraph of the text, the author says in lines 5-7, “ . . .. . . and we are proud that we have been able to reduce the number of cars on the daily school run by an average of 1% in each of the last three years,. .. . .”

Here, we are proud = The council is NOT disappointed, reduce the number . .. . .. by an average of 1% = the small reduction,

So, the lines clearly contradict the statement in the question.

So, the answer is: FALSE                             

Question 5: The number of children in schools has risen in recent years.

Keywords for this question: number of children, in schools, has risen, in recent years,  

The last line of paragraph no. 2 has the answer. The author says here, “. . . .. of the last three years, which is equivalent to taking approximately 175 cars off the road annually, despite an increase in pupil numbers.

Here, the last three years = in recent years, an increase in pupil numbers = the number of children in schools has risen,

This line is a clear match with the question.

So, the answer is: TRUE      

Question 6: Parents can get help with paying for their children to travel to school by public transport.

Keywords for this question: Parents, can get help, paying for, their children, to travel, to school, by public transport,   

We don’t find the mention of any suggestions that parents may get help with paying for their children to travel to school by public transport.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN    

Questions 7-14: Identifying information:

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … ..) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Flu: the facts  

Question 7: examples of people who are likely to be particularly badly affected by flu 

Keywords for this question: examples of people, likely to be, particularly badly affected, by flu,    

In section D of the text, the author writes about the potential group of people who are likely to be affected badly by flu, “ . .. Although anyone can catch flu, certain people are at greater risk from the implications of flu, as their bodies may not be able to fight the virus. If you are over 65 years old, or suffer from asthma, diabetes, or certain other conditionsyou are considered at greater risk from flu and the implications can be serious.”

So, the answer is: D

Question 8: how to get a vaccination if you choose to pay for it  

Keywords for this question: how to get, vaccination, if, choose, pay for it,  

In the short section E, the writer says, “If you are not eligible for a free flu vaccination, you can still protect yourself and those around you from flu by getting a flu vaccination at a local pharmacy.”

Here, by getting a flu vaccination at a local pharmacy = by paying for a flu vaccination at a local pharmacy/chemist,

So, the answer is:E

Question 9: why new vaccines become available

Keywords for this question: why, new vaccines, available,  

In section I, we can find the answer for this question, “The influenza virus is constantly changing and vaccines are developed to predicted strains each year so it is important to get vaccinated against the latest strains.”

Here, vaccines are developed to predicted strains each year means by developing new vaccines every year the latest predictable strains of influenza virus can be fought easily.  

So, the answer is: I

Question 10: how long a vaccine remains effective

Keywords for this questionhow long, vaccine, remains, effective,

The last line of section F provides the answer, “ . . .. This protection lasts about a year.”

This means the vaccination remains effective for a year.

So, the answer is: F

Question 11: reference to the possibility of catching a different type of flu from the ones in the vaccine

Keywords for this question: reference, possibility, catching, different type of flu, the ones, in the vaccine,  

In section H the author writes at the end, “. . .. . so there is a small chance you could catch a strain of flu not contained in the flu vaccine.”

Here, a strain of flu not contained in the flu vaccine = a different type of flu from the ones in the vaccine,

So, the answer is: H

Question 12:  categories of people who do not have to pay for vaccination

Keywords for this questioncategories of people, do not, have to pay, for vaccination,

Take a very close look at the last lines of section D, “ . .. . If you fall into one of these ‘at-risk’ groups, are pregnant or a carer, you are eligible for a free flu vaccination.”

Here, free = do not have to pay,

So the answer is: D

Question 13: information about what a vaccine consists of

Keywords for this question: information, what, vaccine, consists of,  

In section G, the first line says, “A flu vaccination contains inactivated, killed virus strains so it can’t give you the flu.”  

Here, contains = consists of,  

So the answer is: G

Question 14: signs that you might have flu

Keywords for this question: signs, might have, flu,  

In section C, the author writes at the beginning, “Symptoms can include fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, extreme fatigue, a dry cough, sore throat and stuffy nose.”

Here, symptoms = signs of flu,

So the answer is: C

Section 2: Tips for giving an effective business presentation   

Completing sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS:

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write a maximum two words to complete sentences on the given topic. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

[TIPS: Here scanning technique will come in handy. Target the keywords of the questions to find the answers. Remember to focus on Proper nouns, random Capital letters, numbers, special characters of text etc.]

Question 15: Practising your presentation on a ___________ or a family member is helpful.

Keywords for this question: practising, presentation, on, a family member, helpful,  

The answer can be found in the ‘Preparation’ section, paragraph no. 1 in lines 1-2. The writer says here, “. . . For example, go through your presentation in front of a colleague or relative.”

Here, go through = practicing, relative = family member,

So, the answer is: colleague

Question 16: Be prepared for a problem such as a__________ .

Keywords for this question: be prepared, problem such as,    

In the ‘Preparation’ section, the last lines of paragraph no. 3 talks about the problem, “. . .. . also have a backup plan in mind, should there be an unexpected problem like power cut.”

Here, have a backup plan = be prepared, unexpected problem like = problem such as,

So, the answer is: power cut

Question 17: One way to overcome pre-presentation nerves is to make your _________ less rapid.

Keywords for this question: one way, overcome, pre-presentation nerves, to make, less rapid,    

In the ‘Dealing with presentation nervousness’ section, lines 1-3 of paragraph no. 1 give us the answer to this question, “The added adrenaline will keep your faculties sharp and give your presentation skills extra force. This can, however, result in tension in the upper chest. Concentrate on your breathingSlow it right down and this will relax you.”

Here, tension = pre-presentation nerves, Slow it right down = make. . .. less rapid,

So, the answer is: breathing

Question 18: It is acceptable to do something called a ________ at the start of the presentation to reassure you.

Keywords for this question: acceptable, to do, something called, start of the presentation, to reassure,   

In the ‘Dealing with presentation nervousness’ section, paragraph no. 2, take a look as the writer says here, “It may seem an odd idea, but we seem to feel calmer when we engage in what’s referred to as a displacement activity, like clicking a pen or fiddling with jewellery. A limited amount of this will not be too obvious and can make you feel more secure at the start.”

Here, what’s referred to as = something called, make you feel more secure = reassure you,

So, the answer is: displacement activity  

Question 19: Your presentation should be like a _________ with the people who have come to hear you.  

Keywords for this question: presentation, should be like, people, who have come to hear,      

The answer can be found in the ‘Interacting with your audience’ section, paragraph no. 1 line no. 1, “Think of your presentation as a conversation with your audience.”

Here, your audience = the people who have come to hear you,

So, the answer is: conversation

Question 20: Check constantly for ___________ to the points you are making.

Keywords for this question: check constantly, points you are making,     

In the ‘Interacting with your audience’ section, paragraph no. 2 line no. 1-2, the author writes, “Engage with your present audience, not the one you have prepared for. Keep looking for reactions to your ideas and respond to them.”

Here, Keep looking for = check constantly for, your ideas = the points you are making,

So, the answer is: reactions   

Question 21: Make sure you use plenty of ___________ to communicate your message effectively.

Keywords for this question: make sure, use plenty of, communicate, message effectively,      

In lines 1-2 of paragraph no. 1 in the ‘Structuring effective presentations’, the writer says, “Effective presentations are full of examples. These help your listeners to see more clearly what you mean.”

Here, help your listeners to see more clearly what you mean = to communicate your message effectively,

So, the answer is: examples   

Question 22: To keep the presentation short, use things like _________ to provide extra details.

Keywords for this question: keep, presentation, short, use, like, provide, extra details,       

In the last lines of paragraph no. 1 in the ‘Structuring effective presentations’, the author mentions, “For any subsidiary information that you cannot present in 20 minutes, try another medium, such as handouts.”

Here, subsidiary information = extra details, you cannot present in 20 minutes = to keep the presentation short, like = such as,

So, the answer is: handouts

How to get a job in journalism   


In this type of question, candidates are asked to write ONE WORD ONLY to complete some notes on the given flow-chart. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

[TIPS: Here, scanning technique will come in handy. Target the keywords of the questions to find the answers. Remember to focus on Proper nouns, random Capital letters, numbers, special characters of text etc.]

Title of the flow-chart: Getting a job in journalism

Questions 23 & 24: Apply for temporary 23. __________ with local papers and acquire the extra _______ you’ll need.  

Keywords for this question: apply, temporary, local papers, acquire, extra,    

In the first paragraph, the author writes in lines 4-7, “ .. . . Once you’ve done that for a while, start requesting internships in newspapers in the area. These are generally short-term and unpaid, but they’re definitely worthwhile, since, instead of providing you with money, they’ll teach you the skills that every twenty-first-century journalist has to have, like laying out articles, creating web pages, taking good digital pictures and so on.”

Here, newspapers in the area = local papers, short-term = temporary, they’ll teach you = you acquire, every twenty-first-century journalist has to have = you’ll need,

So, the answers are:

  • internships
  • skills

Question 25: Build up a set of _________ in a portfolio, displaying how your writing ability has progressed over time.

Keywords for this question: build up, set, portfolio, displaying, writing ability, progressed over time,

In paragraph no. 2, the writer talks about keeping record of previous writings, “Most reporters keep a copy of every story they’ve had published, from secondary school onwards. They’re called cuttings, and you need them to get a job — indeed a few impressive ones can be the deciding factor in whether you’re appointed or not. So start creating a portfolio now that will show off your developing talent.”

Here, show off your developing talent = displaying how your writing ability has progressed over time,

So, the answer is: cuttings

Question 26: Take time to do detailed__________ first, before applying for a post with a paper.

Keywords for this question: take time, do detailed, first, before applying, post, with a paper,   

The answer lies in the third paragraph as the writer says here, “It seems obvious – research is an important part of an effective job hunt. But it’s surprising how many would-be journalists do little or none. If you’re thorough, it can help you decide whether the job you’re thinking about applying for is right for you.”

Here, But it’s surprising how many would-be journalists do little or none = people do not take this seriously or give very little time to do research,

So, the answer is: research

Question 27: Once you decide to apply, make sure your CV is short, makes sense and is without __________ of any kind.

Keywords for this question: once, decide to apply, make sure, CV, short, makes sense, without,    

In paragraph no. 4 the writer discusses the importance of CV. In lines 2-4 the writer says, “. .. .. your CV is the thing that will attract an editor’s attention first, so get it right. The keywords are brevity (no more than one page), accuracy (absolutely no spelling or typing errors) and clarity (it should be easy to follow).”

Here, brevity (no more than one page) = short, clarity (it should be easy to follow), absolutely no = without,

So, the answer is: errors

Section 3: What is it like to run a large supermarket?

Questions 28-35:  List of headings:

[In this question type, IELTS candidates are provided with a list of headings, usually identified with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc,). A heading will refer to the main idea of the paragraph or section of the text. Candidates must find out the equivalent heading to the correct paragraphs or sections, which are marked with alphabets A, B, C and so forth. Candidates need to write the appropriate Roman numerals in the boxes on their answer sheets. There will always be two or three more headings than there are paragraphs or sections. So, some of the headings will not be used. It is also likely that some paragraphs or sections may not be included in the task. Generally, the first paragraph is an example paragraph that will be done for the candidates for their understanding of the task.

TIPS: Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.]

Question 28: Section A  

The answer to this question can be found at the beginning of the section in lines 4-5, “ . . . . This involves identifying customers who might need help, greeting them, asking what they need, providing it, thanking them and leaving them in peace. . .. .. .” Then the writer goes on describing how the help is provided.

Here, identifying = noticing, might need help = need assistance,

So, the answer is: viii (Noticing when customers need assistance)

Question 29: Section B 

Lines 2-4 of section B give us the answer to this question. The writer says here, “ … . . . The store opens at 7 am, Monday to Saturday, meaning that some staff, including Perriss, have to be here at 6 am to make sure it’s clean, safe and stocked up for the morning rush. .. . . .”

This means shop managers like Perriss have to prepare themselves for their customers to arrive.

So, the answer is: ii (Preparing for customers to arrive)

Question 30: Section C 

In section C, take a look at the first lines, “Perriss has worked in supermarkets since 1982, when he became a trolley boy on a weekly salary of £76.”

This clearly indicates that the section is about how Perriss started his career.

So, the answer is: (Perriss’s early career)

Question 31: Section D 

Section D mainly talks about showing a ‘new concept’ that . . .. all Morrisons’ managers. .. …  had to see.

Look at these lines, “ . .. he was put in charge of launching new stores and heading up a ‘concept’ store, where the then new ideas of preparing and cooking pizzas in store, having a proper florist and fruit and vegetable ‘markets’ were trialled. All Morrisons’ managers from the whole country spent three days there to see the new concept.”

Here, new concept = different way,

So, the answer is: iv (Demonstrating a different way of organising a store)

Question 32: Section E

Section E discusses how Perriss checks and makes sure that products on sale are good enough for customers. Take a look at these lines, “  .. .. He examines the baking potato shelf and rejects three, one that has split virtually in half and two that are beginning to go green. He then pulls out a lemon that looks fine to me. When I ask why, he picks up a second lemon and says: ‘Close your eyes and just feel and tell me which you would keep.’ I do and realise that while one is firm and hard, the other is going a bit squashy.”

So, the answer is: vii (Making sure the items on sale are good enough)

Question 33: Section F

Section F talks about the forecasts for sales. Take a look at lines 4-6, “ . .. . Department heads know exactly how much they’ve sold that day and how much they’re likely to sell the next, based on sales records and allowing for influences such as the weather.”

Here, exactly = accurate,

So, the answer is: (The benefits of accurate forecasting)

Question 34: Section G

Section G of this passage is mainly on how Perriss helps his staff to develop. Have a look at these lines, “ . .. He is keen to hear what staff think. He recently held a ‘talent’ day, inviting employees interested in moving to a new job within the store to come and talk to him about why they thought they should be promoted, and discuss how to go about it.”

So, the answer is: iii (Helping staff to develop)

Question 35: Section H

The last lines of this section guide us to the answer. Perriss says, “ . . .. ‘You have to do so much and there could be something wrong with every single one, every day,’ he says. ‘You’ve got to minimise those things and shrink them into perspective. You’ve got to love the job.’”

So, the answer is: vi (Keeping everything running as smoothly as possible)

Questions 36-40: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts the information in the passage – FALSEIf there is no information on this  – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 36: Perriss encourages staff to offer help to all customers.

Keywords for this question: Perriss, encourages staff, offer help, all customers,  

The answer can be traced in lines 5-7 of section A, “. .. .. If they don’t look like they want help, they’ll be left alone. But if they’re standing looking lost and perplexed, a member of staff will approach them.”

The sentences suggest that staff only approaches those customers who need help. They do not help all customers.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 37: Perriss is sometimes worried that customers will arrive before the store is ready for them.

Keywords for this question: Perriss, sometimes worried, customers, will arrive before, the store, ready for them,  

To find the answer to this question, we should look at lines 4-5 of section B, “ . .. . Sometimes he walks in at 6 am and thinks they’re never going to be ready on time,. . ..”

Here, thinks they’re never going to be ready = sometimes worried that customers will arrive before the store is ready,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 38: When Perriss first became a store manager, he knew the store was going to close.

Keywords for this question: Perriss, first became, store manager, knew, the store, going to close,

The answer to this question should be found in Section C where we come to know about the early career of Perriss. However, we cannot find any such information or comment made by Perriss about the store going to be closed.  

The information is NOT GIVEN.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 39: On average, produce worth £4,200 is thrown away every week.

Keywords for this question: On average, produce worth £4,200, thrown away, every week,  

To find this answer we have to look for an amount of money. We find it in section F. Let’s read there.
In lines 2-3 of this section, the writer says, “ . .. the wastage each week is tiny: produce worth £4,200 is marked down for a quick sale, and only £400-worth is scrapped. . .. .”

Here, scrapped = thrown away,

So, products worth only £400 are thrown away each week.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 40: Perriss was surprised how many staff asked about promotion on the ‘talent’ day.

Keywords for this question: Perriss, surprised, how many staff, asked, promotion, ‘talent’ day,  

 We find information about the ‘talent day’ in section G. But nowhere in this section, it mentions about Perriss’s surprise in the number of staff asking about promotion.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN



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