The Ielts Bridge


Reading Passage 1 :Flying tortoises

Questions 1-7 (List of headings):

In this question type, IELTS candidates are provided with a list of headings, usually identified with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc,). A heading will refer to the main idea of the paragraph or section of the text. Candidates must find out the equivalent heading to the correct paragraphs or sections, which are marked with alphabets A, B, C, and so forth. Candidates need to write the appropriate Roman numerals in the boxes on their answer sheets. There will always be two or three more headings than there are paragraphs or sections. So, some of the headings will not be used. It is also likely that some paragraphs or sections may not be included in the task. Generally, the first paragraph is an example paragraph that will be done for the candidates for their understanding of the task.

TIPS: Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.

Question 1: Paragraph A

In paragraph A, the answer is found in line 7 where the writer says, “…. . .. the islands were colonized by one or two tortoises from mainland South America…”. And then continues, “……. .. . giving rise to at least 14 different subspecies…” 

These lines suggest that tortoises were populating the islands.

So, the answer is: (Tortoises populate the islands)

Question 2: Paragraph B

In paragraph B, line 3-4 says, “….. saw this exploitation grow exponentially.”

The previous lines say that tortoises were taken on ships by pirates as food supplies. Then lines 3-4 talk about the increase of exploitation.

So, the answer is: iii (Developments to the disadvantages of tortoise populations)

Question 3: Paragraph C

For Paragraph C, the answer lies in line 2, where the author mentions, “….. In 1989, work began on a tortoise breeding centre … …” suggesting that some people had started a conservation project to protect the tortoises.

So, the answer is: viii (The start of the conservation project)

Question 4: Paragraph D

As for paragraph D, the answer is found in lines 4-5. Here, the writer states, “…. .. if people wait too long after that point, the tortoises eventually become too large to transport.” This means that if the timing is wrong, there is a big price to pay or they have to face a big problem.

So, the answer is: (The importance of getting the timing right)

Question 5: Paragraph E

The answer for paragraph E lies in lines 6-7. Here, the author says, “….to work out more ambitious reintroduction. The aim was to use a helicopter to move 300 of the breeding center’s tortoises to various locations close to Sierra Negra.” It means that the plan is a very big one that is yet to occur.

So, the answer is: iv (Planning a bigger idea)

Question 6: Paragraph F

In Paragraph F, the writer mentions the procedures which were taken to complete the transportation of 33 tortoises to relocate them to different parts of Galapagos Island. All the procedures indicate that the operation was carefully prepared.

So, the answer is: vi (Carrying out a carefully prepared operation)

Question 7: Paragraph G

The answer for paragraph G is in line 3, where the author mentions, “Eventually, one tiny tortoise came across a fully grown giant …..”.

So, the answer is: ii (Young meets old)

Questions 8-13: (Completing sentences with ONE WORD ONLY)

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write only one word to complete the sentence. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

Question 8: 17th Century: small numbers taken onto ships used by _____________.

Keywords for this answer: 17th Century, small numbers, ships used by

For this question, we look at the paragraph where 17th century is mentioned. Start skimming from the beginning of the text. You’ll find the mention of 17th century in paragraph B. So, we can be sure that the answer will be in this paragraph. In line 2-3 the writer says, “… From 17th century onwards, pirates took a few on board for food, … … .”. Here,  a few = small numbers.  So, we can understand that those ships were used by pirates, who took small numbers of tortoises on their ships (on board) for food supply.

So, the answer is: pirates

Questions 9 and 10: 1790s: very large numbers taken onto whaling ships kept for 9. _______ and also used to produce 10. _______.

Keywords for these answers: 1790s, very large numbers, whaling ships, kept for, to produce

For these questions, we have to look at paragraph 2 line 3. Here we find 1790s, which is our first clue. Then, when we read further, we find in lines 5 and 6, “….  The tortoises were taken on board these ships to act as food supplies during long ocean passages. Sometimes, their bodies were processed into high-grade oil.”

*Kept for = act as

*To produce = processed 

So the answer for Q 9 is: food

The answer for Q 10 is: oil

Question 11: Hunted by  _________ on the islands

Keywords for this answer: hunted

In paragraph 2, the word ‘hunted’ is directly found in line 10—-“They hunted the tortoises……”. As ‘they’ is a pronoun, we have to read the previous line to learn what the noun ‘they’ is referring to. “This historical exploitation was then exacerbated when settlers came to the islands.” Here, ‘they’ are referring to settlers.

So, the answer is: settlers

Questions 12 and 13: Habitat destruction: for the establishment of agriculture and by various 12. ______ not native to the islands, which also fed on baby tortoises and tortoise’s 13. ______

Keywords for these answers: Habitat destruction, establishment of agriculture, not native, also fed on, baby tortoises and tortoise’s

Continue reading from the previous lines. The word ‘habitat’ is found in line 9, and ‘establishment of agriculture’ in line 10. Then, in line 10, the author says, “They also introduced alien species- ranging from …..”. Here the word ‘alien’ is a match with ‘not native’.

So the answer for Q 12 is: species

After that, in line 11, we find, “- that either prey on the eggs and young tortoises… .. ..”. Here, prey on means fed on, young tortoises means baby tortoises.

So the answer for Q 13 is: eggs

Reading Passage 2 :The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

The headline of the passage: The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

Questions 14-19: (Identifying Information)

This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. For this passage, first, answer questions 20- 26. After finishing with these questions, come to questions 14-19. And just like the List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph.

Question 14: an acceptance that not all diseases can be totally eliminated

Keywords for this answer: not all diseases, totally eliminated

The information is found in paragraph D. Here, in lines 2 and 3, the writer says, “ … .. . diseases like polio are re-emerging, …..”. Re-emerging means coming back or not totally eliminated.

So, the answer is: D

Question 15: examples of physical conditions caused by human behaviour

Keywords for this answer: physical condition, caused by, human behaviour

The information is found in paragraph C. It is because, skimming the paragraph, we can gather information about various physical conditions such as asthma, lung problems, eyesight issues, and more. We also find different human behaviours like the massive number of cars being driven, rapid industrialization, cutting down of forests, etc.

So, the answer is: C

Question 16: a reference to classifying diseases on the basis of how far they extend geographically

Keywords for this answer: classifying diseases, how far they extend geographically

The information is found in paragraph F. We can find information like categorizing illnesses, diseases and epidemics in line 3 which is a match with classifying diseases. Also, line 4 says, “Health geographers can map the spread if illnesses….” means that they are mapping diseases on the basis of their extension geographically.

So, the answer is: F

Question 17: reasons why the level of access to healthcare can vary within a country

Keywords for this answer: reasons, access to healthcare, vary within a country

The information is found in paragraph G because there is a mention of healthcare provision and availability (or lack thereof) of healthcare resources to individuals and populations in line 1 and 2 which means access to healthcare. The next few lines show how healthcare can vary in different regions of a country with an example in lines 7, 8 and 9 (for instance, it may be very difficult……. .. … . .and the nearest hospital.)

So, the answer is: G

Question 18: a description of health geography as a mixture of different academic fields

Keywords for this answer: health geography, mixture of different academic fields

The information is found in paragraph D because lines 4-7 say, “Health geography is the combination of (mixture of), on the on hand, knowledge regarding geography and methods used to analyse and interpret geographical information, and on the other, the study of health, diseases and healthcare practices around the world.”

So, the answer is: D

Question 19: a description of the type of area where a particular illness is rare

Keywords for this answer: type of area, particular illness is rare

The information is found in paragraph B. It is because, in lines 6 and 7, it says, “Malaria is much less of a problem in high-altitude deserts, for instance.” This means malaria is rare in particular areas.

So, the answer is: B

Questions 20-26: (Completing sentences with ONE WORD ONLY)

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write only one word to complete the sentence. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

Question 20: Certain diseases have disappeared thanks to better ________ and healthcare.

Keywords for this answer: Certain diseases, disappeared, thanks to,

In paragraph A, lines 1 and 2, it says, “While many diseases that affect humans have been eradicated (have disappeared) due to (thanks to) improvements in vaccinations and the availability of healthcare, …”

This means that the improvements in vaccinations and availability of healthcare are responsible for the disappearance of certain diseases. But, our answer has to be in one word only.  So, we choose vaccinations as the answer. It is because we cannot choose words like improvements or availability because they are adjectives. We have to give priority to nouns over adjectives. We cannot choose healthcare as the answer because we know that vaccinations are directly related to the eradication of major diseases.

So, the answer is: vaccinations

Question 21: Because there is more contact between people, __________ are losing their usefulness.

 Keywords for this answer: because, more contact, losing, usefulness

We find phrases like people come into contact (more contact between people) and becoming more and more common (losing their usefulness) line paragraph A lines 3 and 6. So, the answer will be antibiotics. It is because the lines mean that when more people are coming in contact with each other more and more, antibiotics are becoming a common thing which means antibiotics are no longer as useful as it used to be before.

So, the answer is: antibiotics

Question 22: Disease-causing ________ are most likely to be found in hot, damp regions.

Keywords for this answer: disease-causing, most likely, found, hot, damp regions

We find a reference to disease-causing and hot, damp regions in paragraph B lines 3-5 (“…. Is malaria-prone areas, which are usually tropical regions that foster a warm and damp environment in which the mosquitos that can give people this disease can grow.)

So, the answer is: mosquitos

Question 23: One cause of pollution is __________ that burn a particular fuel.

Keywords for this answer: cause, pollution, burn a particular fuel,

We know that there are some common fuels like wood, gas, coal, petrol, octane, diesel, etc. So, we need to find a word like these fuels. In paragraph C, line 6, we can find the word coal (“… … in addition to factories that run on coal power.”). So, we can gather from this line that factories burn coal.

So, the answer is: factories

Question 24: The growth of cities often has an impact on nearby __________.

Keywords for this answer: growth of cities, an impact,

Reading line 7 and 8 in paragraph C, we find phrases like expansion of big cities (matching with growth of cities) which indicate in the lines that it is responsible for cutting down of forests. So, we can realize that cutting down of forests is the impact which is caused by the growth of cities.

So, the answer is: forests

Question 25: _______is one disease that is growing after having been eradicated.

Keywords for this answer: disease, growing, after, eradicated

In Paragraph D lines 2 and 3, we find information of re-emerging or coming back of a disease named polio.  Here, the line says, “… . .a world where diseases like polio are re-emerging,…..”. The word re-emerge matches with growing after having been eradicated.

So, the answer is: polio

Question 26: A physical barrier such as a _________ can prevent people from reaching a hospital.

Keywords for this answer: physical barrier, prevent people, reaching a hospital

For this answer we have to skim quickly and go to paragraph G. Here, in lines 7-9, we find the mention of a physical barrier which makes it difficult for people to get medical attention. The lines say, “….. .. .(for instance, it may be difficult for people to get medical attention because there is a mountain between their village and the nearest hospital).”

So, the answer is: mountain

Reading Passage 3 :Music and the emotions

The headline of the passage: Music and the emotions

Questions 27-31 (Summary completion with no more than TWO words)

(In this kind of question candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. As these are fill in the blanks or gaps, there is a condition of writing ONE, TWO or THREE words for each answer. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords form the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers to fill in the gaps.)

As the headline of the summary is The Montreal Study, we have to look for the Montreal Study in the passage. Look closely at the first line of the second paragraph, where it says, “A recent paper in Nature Neuroscience by a research team in Montreal, Canada,……”. So, it is very much likely that the answers to questions 27-31 may be found in the second and third paragraphs.

Question 27: It was noted that the music stimulated the brain’s neurons to release a substance called 27 ______

Keywords for this question: music stimulated, neurons, release a substance

In paragraph 2 lines 13 and 14, the writer mentions, “The first thing they discovered is that music triggers the production of dopamine— a chemical with a key role in setting people’s moods— by the neurons .. .. . ….”. It means that the substance which is released by the brain’s neurons is called dopamine.

So, the answer is: dopamine

Question 28: … .. . in two of the parts of the brain which are associated with feeling 28 ________

Keywords for this question:two of the parts, which are associated with,  feeling

In paragraph 2, the last lines say, “As these two regions have long been linked with the experience of pleasure,…..”.

Here, we find some direct matches such as:

*Two regions = two of the parts

*Linked with = associated with

*Experience = feeling

So, the answer is: pleasure / of pleasure

Question 29: Researchers also observed that the neurons in the area of the brain called the 29 ________ were particularly active just before the participants’ favourite moments in the music– ….

Keywords for this question: observed, neurons, in the area of the brain, called

In paragraph 3, the author says in the first lines, “What is rather more significant is the finding that the dopamine neurons in the caudate— a region of the brain…….”

Here also, we can gather some direct matches such as:

*observed = found

*neurons = dopamine neurons

* in the area of the brain = a region of the brain

So, the answer is: caudate

Question 30: were particularly active just before the participants’ favourite moments in the music— the period known as the 30 ________

Keywords for this question: particularly active, just before, participants’ favourite moment, period known as

The answer is found in lines 3,4 and 5 in paragraph 3, where the author states, “ … . .. .  — were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’ favourite moments in the music. The researchers call this the ‘anticipatory  phase’…. .. .”

So, the answer is: anticipatory phase

Question 31: Activity in this part of the brain is associated with the expectation of ‘reward’ stimuli such as 31 ________.

Keywords for this question: activity, associated with, reward stimuli, such as

In this question, the phrase ‘such as’ indicates that we have to find an example of ‘reward stimuli’. Now, reading the third line of paragraph 3, we find such an example. “… .. .in anticipating food and other ‘reward’ stimuli—…” Here, anticipating can be a synonym of expectation.

So, the answer is: food

Questions 32-36 (Multiple Choice Questions)

‘Multiple Choice Question’ is a common type of question set in the IELTS Reading test. It is also found in the Listening test.  Most of the time, they come with four options but sometimes there are three options. Candidates need to work hard for this type of question because this may confuse them easily in passage 2 or passage 3. There will be long answers, so they may kill valuable time. So, a quick reading or skimming technique might come in handy here.  Remember that answers in 3 options out of 4 will be very close. So, vocabulary power will help a lot to choose the best answer.

Question 32: What point does the writer emphasise in the first paragraph?

A. how dramatically our reactions to music can vary
B. how intense our physical responses to music can be
C. how little we know about the way that music affects us
D. how much music can tell us about how our brains operate

Keywords for this question: emphasise, first paragraph

We have to use our skimming skills here. Let’s have a quick look at paragraph 1 and see if we can find any similarities between one of the options and any lines in the paragraph.

In lines 2 and 3 of the first paragraph, the writer says, “And yet, even though music says little, it manages to touch us deeply.” After that, the writer gives a detail description of different body parts reacting extremely— “The pupils in our eyes dilate, our pulse and blood pressure rise, …. . .. . . .”. And the last line, “… .. .sound stirs us at our biological roots.” means that sound of music touches us very intensely.

So, the answer is: B

Question 33: What view of the Montreal study does the writer express in the second paragraph?

A. Its aims were innovative.
B. The approach was too simplistic.
C. It produced some remarkably precise data.
D. The technology used was unnecessarily complex.

Keywords for this question: view of, Montreal study, second paragraph

In lines 2 and 3 of the second paragraph, the author says, “….. in revealing the precise underpinnings of the potent pleasurable stimulus’ that is music.” It means that the Montreal Study has produced some precise data about music and pleasure. Further reading of the paragraph may clarify the answer.

So, the answer is: C

Question 34: What does the writer find interesting about the results of the Montreal study?

A. the timing of participants’ neural responses to the music
B. the impact of the music on participants’ emotional state
C. the section of participants’ brains which was activated by the music
D. the type of music which had the strongest effect on participants’ brains

Keywords for this question: interesting, the results, Montreal Study

In paragraph 3, line 1 says, “What is rather more significant…..” which means something interesting has been found. Then, in lines 3-4, it says, “….—were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’ favourite moments in the music.”

So, it means that the interesting matter is the time of neuron’s response.

So, the answer is: A

Question 35: Why does the writer refer to Meyer’s work on music and emotion?

A. to propose an original theory about the subject
B. to offer support for the findings of the Montreal study
C. to recommend the need for further research into the subject
D. to present a view which opposes that of the Montreal researchers

Keywords for this question: Why, refer to, Meyer’s work

In paragraph 4 the writer describes in lines 7-9, “This is why composers often introduce a key note in the beginning of a song, spend most of the rest of the piece in the studious avoidance of the pattern, and then finally repeat it only at the end.

Now, in paragraph 5, the writer talks about Meyer’s work and thus supports what is said in paragraph 4. “….. … . .showing how Beethoven begins with the clear statement of a rhythmic and harmonic pattern and then, in an ingenious tonal dance, carefully holds off repeating it……. .. .. .. Beethoven saves that chord for the end.”

So, the answer is: B

Question 36: According to Leonard Meyer, what causes the listener’s emotional response to music?

A. the way that the music evokes poignant memories in the listener
B. the association of certain musical chords with certain feelings
C. the listener’s sympathy with the composer’s intentions
D. the internal structure of the musical composition

Keywords for this question: Leonard Meyer, causes, listener’s emotional response

In paragraph 6, lines 4-5 says, “…. .—Meyer argued that the emotions we find in music come from the unfolding events of the music itself. This “embodied meaning” arises from the patterns the symphony invokes and then ignores.” Here, the word ‘embodied’ means the internal part.

So, the answer is: D

Questions 37-40 (Completing sentences with the correct ending)

[For this type of question, candidates need to match the beginning and end of sentences. Candidates need to look for keywords in the sentence beginnings and find the relative paragraphs and then sentences in the passage. Skimming and scanning, both reading skills are essential for this question type.]

Question 37: The Montreal researchers discovered that _____.

Keywords for this question: Montreal researchers, discovered

In lines 3-4 of paragraph 3, the writer says, “—were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’ favourite moments in the music.” This means that Montreal researchers have found that dopamine neuron becomes more active prior to (around 15 seconds before) the participants’ favourite moments in the music.

So, the answer is: F     neuron activity increases prior to key points in a musical piece.

Question 38: Many studies have demonstrated that _____.

Keywords for this question: Many studies, demonstrated

In paragraph 4, lines 6-7 says, “Numerous studies, after all, have demonstrated that dopamine neurons quickly adapt to predictable rewards. If we know what’s going to happen next, then we don’t get excited.” It means neurons’ activity goes down if the result becomes known to the listener.

So, the answer is: B    neuron activity decreases if outcomes become predictable.

Question 39: Meyer’s analysis of Beethoven’s music shows that _____.

Keywords for this question: Meyer’s analysis, Beethoven’s music

Line 7 and the last lines of paragraph 5 suggest that music of emotion, for example, Beethoven’s music makes a delay in giving what his listeners want to hear. Look closely at the lines: “……and then, in an ingenious tonal dance, carefully holds off repeating it.” And, “…… Beethoven saves that chord for the end.”

So, the answer is: E    emotive music delays giving listeners what they expect to hear.

Question 40: Earlier theories of music suggested that _____.

Keywords for this question: Earlier theories, suggested

In the final paragraph, we find a reference of music from past time. Look at line 2-3 where the writer says, “While the earlier theories of music focused on the way a sound can refer to the real world of images and experiences—……”. Here, real world of images and experiences matches with actual pictures and events.

So, the answer is: C    emotive music can bring to mind actual pictures and events.



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