The Ielts Bridge


Section 1: New York Late-Starters String Orchestra

Questions 1-7: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUE
The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSE
If there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 1: The idea behind NYLSO was based on another orchestra.

Keywords for this question: idea, NYLSO, based on, another orchestra, 

In the first paragraph, the writer of the text says in lines 1-3, “It was founded in early 2007, and grew out of a concept developed by The East London Late Starters Orchestra (ELLSO), an award-winning group in England.. .. ..”  

Here, grew out of a concept developed by The East London Late Starters Orchestra (ELLSO) = based on another orchestra,  

So, the answer is: TRUE 

Question 2: An ability to read music is essential.   

Keywords for this question: ability, read music, essential,        

In the second paragraph the writer describes the requirements to join the orchestra. Take a close look at line no.1, “Participants should have basic music reading skills and a willingness to commit to the group, .. . .. .” 

Here, should have = essential, basic music reading skills = basic ability to read music, 

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 3: The NYLSO might be unsuitable for very advanced level musicians.  

Keywords for this question: NYLSO, might be unsuitable, very advanced level musicians, 

If you look closely at paragraph no. 2, lines 3-5 say, “ . . .. …..  If you have ever been paid to play your instrument, recently graduated with a degree in performance, or have been playing continuously since elementary school, you may decide we are not the appropriate group for you.” 

Here, have ever been paid to play your instrument, recently graduated with a degree in performance, or have been playing continuously since elementary school = very advanced level musicians, we are not the appropriate group for you = might not be suitable, 

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question 4: NYLSO concerts are free to members’ families and friends. 

Keywords for this question: NYLSO concerts, free, members’ families and friends,       

In paragraph no. 3, we find the phrase ‘friends-and-family’ in line no. 5. However, we DO NOT find any information regarding the NYLSO concert being free to members’ families and friends. 

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN 

Question 5: Rehearsals always involve the full orchestra playing together. 

Keywords for this question: rehearsals, always involve, full orchestra, playing together,  

Again, in paragraph no. 3, the first few lines say, “We know that New Yorkers are busy people. It is fine if you miss an entire rehearsal period when an emergency arises. Ultimately, though, too many absences disrupt the function of the group and make it difficult to perform the pieces. .. .. .” 

Here, It is fine if you miss an entire rehearsal period when an emergency arises = rehearsals DO NOT ALWAYS involve the full orchestra playing together, 

So, the answer is: FALSE 

Question 6: The conductor provides her services free to NYLSO. 

Keywords for this question: conductor, provides, her services, free, to NYLSO,        

In the fifth paragraph, the final lines say, “ . .. . .. . Payments are applied to the costs of rehearsal space, conductor’s fees, and photocopying music.” 

Here, this line suggests that the conductor takes payment for his/her services to NYLSO. 

So, the answer is: FALSE 

Question 7: The NYLSO gives advice on what instrument to purchase. 

Keywords for this question: NYLSO, advice, what instrument, to purchase,    

In the final paragraph, it is said that participants need an instrument; however there is no information regarding NYLSO’s suggestion or advice on what instrument to purchase. 

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN 

The 7 best running watches

Questions 8-14:  Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 8: This would be a suitable and not too expensive first watch for a runner.  

Keywords for this question: suitable, not too expensive, first watch, 

In the description of Garmin Forerunner 10, the writer says, “This is a well-pricedentry-level watch . .. . . ..” 

Here, well-priced = not too expensive, entry-level watch = suitable, first watch for a runner, 

So, the answer is: E 

Question 9: Care has been taken to make this watch very attractive to look at.  

Keywords for this question: care, to make, very attractive, to look at,  

In the description of Nike Fuelband, the writer says, “ .. . . .. . this soft-touch and lightweight watch has been lovingly designed to appear more like a piece of futuristic jewellery than a running watch.

Here, has been lovingly designed to appear more like a piece of futuristic jewellery = Care has been taken to make this watch very attractive to look at, 

So, the answer is: F 

Question 10: This watch can be programmed to let the runner know when it is time to get some refreshment. 

Keywords for this question: can be programmed, let the runner know, when, time, get some refreshment,   

In the description of Timex Run Trainer 2.0, the writer says in the final lines, “ . . .. … Alerts remind you when it’s time to hydrate or top up the nutrition.

Here, Alerts remind you = can be programmed to let the runner know, time to hydrate or top up the nutrition = it is time to get some refreshment, 

So, the answer is: D

Question 11: This watch will need recharging at frequent intervals.  

Keywords for this question: will need, recharging, at frequent intervals, 

In the description of Garmin Forerunner, the writer says, “ . .. . .. although battery life is limited.”

Here, battery life is limited = will need recharging at frequent intervals, 

So, the answer is: C 

Question 12: Both experienced and inexperienced runners will find this watch useful.

Keywords for this question: both experienced and inexperienced, will find, useful, 

In the description of Timex Run Trainer 2.0, the writer says, “The hi-res screen makes this a great watch for athletes at any level . .. .. . .” 

Here, athletes at any level = Both experienced and inexperienced runners, 

So the answer is: D 

Question 13: Runners will find all the features on this watch are useful.  

Keywords for this question: will find, all the features, useful,  

In the description of Soleus FIT 1.0, the writer says, “Soleus claims this has everything you need and nothing you don’t. . . . .. ….. .” 

Here, everything you need and nothing you don’t = Runners will find all the features on this watch are useful, 

So the answer is: A 

Question 14: People who do most of their running in cities may find this watch is not appropriate for them. 

Keywords for this question: people, do most of, running, in cities, may find, not appropriate,   

In the description of Suunto Ambit2 S HR, the writer says, “This is better suited to off-roaders rather than urban runners and

Here, rather than urban runners = who do most of their running in cities may find this watch is not appropriate, 

So the answer is: G 

Section 2: Employees’ health and safety responsibilities

Questions 15-22: Completing notes 

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to complete different notes with ONE WORD ONLY from the passage. Keywords are important to find answers correctly. Generally, this type of question maintains a sequence. However, we should not be surprised if the sequence is not maintained. Find the keywords in the passage and you are most likely to find the answers.]

Headline of the notes: Health and Safety at Work

Question 15: 

Employees’ rights

  • are established by ___________ and include the following:

Keywords for this question: employees’ rights, established by, include, following, 

In the ‘Your rights’ section of the text, the first lines say, “Your rights as an employee to work in a safe and healthy environment are set down in law and generally can’t be changed or removed by your employer.. . … .”  

Here, Your rights = employees’ rights, set down in = established by, 

So, the answer is: law 

Question 16: 

–  any ____________ needed for employees to work safely should be free

Keywords for this question: any, needed, to work safely, should be free, 

In the ‘Your rights’ section of the text, the second bullet point says, 

“• to be given any personal protective and safety equipment without being charged for it”  

Here, without being charged = should be free, 

So, the answer is: equipment 

Question 17: 

– employees may inform management of any ____________ they have relating to health and safety  

Keywords for this question: may inform management, any, relating to health and safety, 

In the ‘Your rights’ section of the text, the fourth bullet point says, 

“• to tell your employer about any health and safety concerns you have”

Here, tell your employer = may inform management, any health and safety concerns = any concerns they have relating relating to health and safety, 

So, the answer is: concerns  

Question 18: 

– employees are entitled to some ______________ while they are working 

Keywords for this question: employees are entitled to, some, while, working,      

In the ‘Your rights’ section of the text, the sixth bullet point says, 

“• to have breaks during the time you are at work

Here, to have = employees are entitled to, during the time you are at work = while they are working, 

So, the answer is: breaks  

Question 19: 

 Employees’ responsibilities

– to avoid putting colleagues and others at ____________

Keywords for this question: employees’ responsibilities, take off jewellery and dress, appropriately, particular work, avoid, putting, colleagues and others,         

In the ‘Your responsibilities’ section of the text, the fourth bullet point says,  

“• to take reasonable care not to expose fellow employees and members of the public to risk by what you do or don’t do in the course of your work” 

Here, take reasonable care not to expose fellow employees and members of the public = to avoid putting colleagues and others, 

So, the answer is: risk  

Question 20: 

– to do any ___________ that the employer offers

Keywords for this question: do any, employer offers, 

In the ‘Your responsibilities’ section of the text, the fifth bullet point says,  

“• to co-operate with your employermaking sure you complete the training that is provided and that you understand and follow the company’s health and safety policies”

Here, to co-operate with your employer/ that is provided = the employer offers, making sure you complete = to do, 

So, the answer is: training    

Question 21: 

– to inform the employer of any ___________ received while working

Keywords for this question: inform, employer, any, received, while working, 

In the ‘Your responsibilities’ section of the text, the seventh bullet point says,  

“•  to report any injuries you suffer as a result of doing your job – your employer may then need to change the way you work.” 

Here, to report = to inform, you suffer as a result of doing your job = received while working, 

So, the answer is: injuries 

Question 22: 

– to make sure the employer knows of any _____________ you are taking that might affect performance.

Keywords for this question: make sure, employer knows, any,taking, that might affect performance,      

The final paragraph says, “If you drive or operate machinery, you have a responsibility to tell your employer if you take medication that makes you feel sleepy. If you do, they should temporarily move you to another job if they have one for you to do.” 

Here, you have a responsibility to tell your employer = to make sure the employer knows, makes you feel sleepy = might affect performance, 

So, the answer is: medication 



Our company notices 

Questions 23-27: Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question 23: Staff are needed to work on internal communications. 

Keywords for this question: staff, needed to work, internal communications, 

In the ‘New opportunity’ section of the text, the writer says, “Dev Patel will cease to be part-time content editor of the company intranet at the end of April, as his new role in Marketing leaves him no time for it. We’re looking for two people to take over. If you’re interested, and can work an extra three or four hours a week (for extra pay, of course!), contact Maggie Campbell on 2146.” 

Here, will cease to be = will leave the post, company intranet = the internal communications part of a company, We’re looking for two people to take over = staffs are needed,  

So, the answer is: 

Question 24: People are needed to help improve an internal system. 

Keywords for this question: people, needed, to help improve, internal system,   

In the ‘Quality control’ section of the text, the writer says in lines 1-2, “Because of recent concerns about product quality, we’re setting up a team to consider ways of raising quality and making recommendations for changes. . .. .. ..”

Here, setting up a team = people are needed, to consider ways of raising quality and making recommendations for changes = help improve an internal system,  

So, the answer is: 

Question 25: Staff are asked if they want to take part in an internal competition. 

Keywords for this question: staff are asked, if, want to take part in, internal competition, 

In the ‘And finally’ section of the text, the writer says, “We hope to re-start the company tennis championship, which hasn’t taken place for the last three years. If this is something for you, talk to Bill Sinclair on extension 2371. You don’t need to be a star player!” 

Here, the company tennis championship = an internal competition,  If this is something for you, talk to Bill Sinclair = staffs are asked if they want to take part, 

So, the answer is: 

Question 26: Volunteers are asked to work overtime for a limited period.

Keywords for this answer: volunteers, asked to work overtime, for a limited period, 

In the ‘We’re doing well!’ section of the text, the writer says, “ . . . … . … we’ll need to run the production line for an additional three hours each evening throughout the week beginning 13 March. Any production workers willing to do this shift in addition to their normal work should speak to the Production Manager asap.” 

Here, we’ll need to run the production line for an additional three hours = volunteers are asked to work overtime,  throughout the week beginning 13 March = for a limited time, 

So, the answer is: D

Question 27: Staff will be told where to work temporarily.

Keywords for this answer: Staff will be told, where to work, temporarily, 

In the ‘Advance warning’ section of the text, the writer says in lines 2-3, “ . . . … Staff based in that building will be individually notified of where they’ll work for that time. .. .. . .” 

Here, Staff .. ..  will be individually notified = staff will be told, where they’ll work for that time = where to work temporarily, 

So, the answer is: 

Section 3: Vanilla – the most wonderful flavour in the world    

Questions 28-31: Matching statements with correct countries

[The rules for finding answers to this sort of question are simple. Just find the keywords and read around different countries carefully. Then, give a quick look to check whether there is another statement or idea provided by the same nationality in the text. If there is, check the reference carefully and decide your answer. Remember, the questions will not follow any sequential order.] 

Question 28: The vanilla that is grown here was created from more than one type of vanilla plant.  

Keywords for this question: vanilla, grown here, created from, more than one type of vanilla plant,  

In the ‘Tahiti’ section of the text, the writer says in lines 3-6 of the first paragraph, “ … .. . However, Tahiti differs in the species of vanilla that is most common: Vanilla tahitensis Moore. This is the hybrid of two vanilla species introduced in the 1800s. . .. .. ..” 

Here, hybrid of two vanilla species = created from more than one type of vanilla plant,  

So, the answer is: (Tahiti) 

Question 29: This vanilla is often mixed with other types of vanilla. 

Keywords for this question: often, mixed with, other types,  

In the ‘Indonesia’ section of the text, the writer says in the final lines of the final paragraph, “ … .. . Indonesian vanilla works well when blended with vanillas from other regions and, because it’s more economical, it makes the end product more affordable.” 

Here, blended with vanillas from other regions = mixed with other types of vanilla, 

So, the answer is: (Indonesia) 

Question 30: Some people claim that this country produces the finest vanilla. 

Keywords for this question: some people claim, this country, produces, finest vanilla,   

In the ‘Madagascar’ section of the text, the writer says in the final lines of the second paragraph, “ … . .. . .. Assisted by the climate and rich soil, hand pollination by the country’s skilled farmers has enabled Madagascar to become the world’s top vanilla producer in quantity and, many would argue, quality.

Here, to become the world’s top vanilla producer in quantity and, many would argue, quality = some people claim that this country produces the largest amount and finest quality of vanilla,  

So, the answer is: (Madagascar) 

Question 31: This vanilla goes well with both sweet and savoury ingredients.

Keywords for this question: goes well with, both, sweet, savoury ingredients,   

In the ‘Mexico’ section of the text, the writer says in the final paragraph, “Vanilla from Mexico has a flavor that combines creamy tones with a deep, spicy character, making it a delicious complement to chocolatecinnamon and other warm spices. It also works wonderfully in tomato sauces.” 

Here, chocolate = sweet ingredients, 

cinnamon and other warm spices tomato sauces = savory ingredients, 

So, the answer is: (Mexico) 

Questions 32-34: Multiple choice questions 

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question set is found as the last question set in most passages so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers for previous questions gives you a good idea about these questions.]

Question 32: What prevented countries, apart from Mexico, from growing vanilla in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Keywords for this question: what, prevented countries, apart from Mexico, growing vanilla, in, 17th and 18th centuries, 

In the ‘Mexico’ section of the text, the writer says in the second paragraph, “However, Mexico remained the sole grower of vanilla for another 300 years. The particular relationship between the vanilla orchid and an indigenous bee called the Melipone was crucial. It was responsible for pollinating the flowers, resulting in fruit production.” 

Here, Mexico remained the sole grower of vanilla for another 300 years = prevented countries, apart from Mexico from growing vanilla in the 17th and 18th centuries, an indigenous bee called the Melipone was crucial. It was responsible for pollinating the flowers = Melipone bee could only be found in Mexico, this bee could not be found in other countries, 

So, the answer is: (the lack of the most suitable pollinating insect)

Question 33:  What does the writer suggest was the main reason for the success of vanilla cultivation on Madagascar?

Keywords for this question: what, was the main reason, success of vanilla cultivation, Madagascar, 

In the ‘Madagascar’ section of the text, the writer describes the ‘hand pollination technique’ in the first paragraph, “ . . …. . . . For almost 50 years, the production of vanilla struggled. The vines grew successfully with beautiful blossoms but vanilla pods were infrequent. Without the Melipone bee, the flowers weren’t being fertilized beyond occasional pollination by other insects. It wasn’t until 1836 that Charles Morren, a Belgian botanist, discovered the pollination link between bee and plant. And then in 1841, Edmond Albius of Reunion developed an efficient method for fertilizing the flower by hand. Now, growers could choose the best flowers to pollinate, resulting in a healthier and higher quality vanilla pod.” 

Here, developed an efficient method for fertilizing the flower by hand = adoption of a particular agricultural technique (hand pollination method),  

So, the answer is: (the adoption of a particular agricultural technique)

Question 34: The writer believes that Madagascan vanilla is so popular because

Keywords for this answer: the writer believes, Madagascan vanilla, so popular, because, 

In the ‘Madagascar’ section of the text, the writer says in the second paragraph, “ . . … .. . Assisted by the climate and rich soil, hand pollination by the country’s skilled farmers has enabled Madagascar to become the world’s top vanilla producer in quantity and, many would argue, quality.” 

Here, Madagascar to become the world’s top vanilla producer in quantity and, many would argue, quality = the taste of Madagascan vanilla is widely considered to be the best quality / the standard taste of vanilla, 

So, the answer is: (its taste is widely considered to be the standard taste of vanilla.) 

Questions 35-40:  Summary completion

[In this kind of questions candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords from the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers to fill in the gaps.]

Title of the summary: How vanilla pods are cured in Tahiti

Question 35: Tahitian farmers start by leaving the pods to turn __________ all over. They then wash them quickly before the main stage of the curing process begins.

Keywords for this answer: Tahitian farmers, start by leaving the pods, turn, all over, then, wash, quickly, before, main stage, curing process 

The second paragraph of the ‘Tahiti’ section talks about the curing process of vanilla pods. Let’s  have a look there. 

Here, lines 1-6 say, “The curing process also differs from other countries’. Mature pods are first stacked in a cool place until they are completely brown (five to ten days) and then rinsed briefly in clear water, a unique characteristic of the method used in Tahiti. 

Here, Mature pods are first stacked in a cool place until = leaving the pods, are completely brown = turn brown all over, 

So, the answer is: brown

Question 36: They place the pods in the ___________ during the early part of the day.

Keywords for this question: they place the pods, during, early part of the day, 

In lines 7-8 of the second paragraph in the ‘Tahiti’ section, the writer says, “ . .. . . .. For the next month, growers expose the pods to the gentle morning sunlight. . .. . . ..” 

Here, growers expose the pods  = they place the pods, morning = early part of the day, 

So, the answer is: sunlight  

Question 37: Cloths are then wrapped round them and they are left in boxes overnight. This procedure encourages ______________.  

Keywords for this question: cloths, wrapped round them, left in boxes, overnight, this procedure encourages, 

In lines 9-11 of the second paragraph in the ‘Tahiti’ section, the writer explains, “ . .. .. . .. In the afternoon, they bind the pods in cloths and store them in crates until the next morning, to promote transpiration. .. . . .” 

Here, store them in crates = left in boxes, until the next morning = overnight, promote = encourages, 

So, the answer is: transpiration  

Question 38: Gradually, the __________ of the individual pods starts to decrease.

Keywords for this question: gradually, of the individual pods, start to decrease, 

In lines 11-13 of the second paragraph in the ‘Tahiti’ section, the writer goes on explaining, “ . .. .. . .. Little by little, the vanilla pods lose weight and shrink. . .. ..” 

Here, Little by little = gradually, lose .. .. and shrink = starts to decrease, 

So, the answer is: weight  

Question 39: While this is happening, the farmers continue to work on the pods. They use their ____________ to flatten them out.

Keywords for this question: while this is happening, farmers, continue, work on the pods, they use, their, to flatten them out,  

In lines 13-15 of the second paragraph in the ‘Tahiti’ section, the writer keeps explaining, “ . .. .. . .. Throughout this phasethe workers carefully smooth and even out the pods with their fingers. . . .. ..” 

Here, Throughout this phase = while this is happening, the workers = the farmers, smooth and even out the pods = flatten them out, 

So, the answer is: fingers   

Question 40: For the last stage in the curing process, the pods are kept in a cool place which is open to the air, so that the amount of ___________ within them is reduced.

Keywords for this question: last stage, curing process, the pods, are kept in, cool place, open to the air, so that, amount of, within them, reduced,     

The answer to this question can be found in the final lines of paragraph no. 2 in the ‘Tahiti’ section, “ . .. . . Then after a month, the final step is to leave the pods in a shaded and well-ventilated spot for 40 days to lower their moisture content.”  

Here, the final step = the last stage, leave the pods in a shaded and well-ventilated spot = the pods are kept in a cool place which is open to the air, lower = reduced, 

So, the answer is: moisture  



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