The Ielts Bridge


Reading Passage 1: Johnson’s Dictionary

Questions 1-3: Choosing options from a list

[In this type of questions candidates are asked to choose some options (mostly THREE, FOUR or FIVE) for a question from a given list. The answer-finding process is similar to other questions – find the keywords in the text and look around it. This question doesn’t necessarily maintain any sequence.]

Which THREE of the following statements are true of Johnson’s Dictionary?

A. It avoided all scholarly words.
B. It was the only English dictionary in general use for 200 years.
C. It was famous because of the large number of people involved.
D. It focused mainly on language from contemporary texts.
E. There was a time limit for its completion.
F. It ignored work done by previous dictionary writers.
G. It took into account subtleties of meaning.
H. Its definitions were famous for their originality.

Keywords for the question: THREE, true, Johnson’s Dictionary,

Answers to questions 1-3 can all be found in paragraph no. 6. Let’s have a look there.

In the first few lines of paragraph no. 6, the writer says, “The work was immense; filling about .. . … . Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, and illustrated their many meanings with some 114.000 quotations drawn from English writing on every subject, from the Elizabethans to his own time.”

Here, his own time = contemporary, 

This line matches with –

D. It focused mainly on language from contemporary texts.

Also, in the same paragraph, look at lines 8-9, “ . .. He did not expect to achieve complete originality. Working to a deadline, he had to draw . .. . .. .”

Here, Working to a deadline = There was a time limit, 

This line matches with –

E. There was a time limit for its completion.

Once again, in paragraph no. 6, take a look at these lines (13-16), “ . .. . Unlike his predecessors, Johnson treated English very practically, as a living language, with many different shades of meaning.

Here, many different shades of meaning = subtleties of meaning,

This line matches with –

G. It took into account subtleties of meaning.

So, the answers are: (in any order)

D, E, G

Questions 4-7: Summary completion

[In this kind of question candidates are given a summary for one, two or three paragraphs with some fill in the blanks questions. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords form the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers to fill in the gaps.]

Question no. 4: In 1764 Dr Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dictionary. Having rented a garret, he took on a number of __________ who stood at a long central desk.

Keywords for the question: 1764, Dr Johnson, accepted, contract, to produce, dictionary, rented, garret, took on, a number of, who, stood, long central desk, 

At the end of paragraph no. 4, the author writes, “ . . .. Johnson signed the contract for the Dictionary with the bookseller Robert Dosley at a breakfast held at the Golden Anchor Inn near Holbom Bar on 18 June 1764. He was to be paid £ 1.575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his ‘dictionary workshop’.”

Here, Johnson signed the contract for the Dictionary = Dr Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dictionary,

Then, at the beginning of paragraph no. 5, the author says, “James Boswell, his biographer described the garret where Johnson worked as ‘fitted up like a counting house’ with a long desk running down the middle at which the copying clerks would work standing up. . .. . .”

Here, work standing up = stood at,

So, the answer is: (copying) clerks

Question no. 5: Johnson did not have a _________ available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large notebooks.

Keywords for the question: did not have, eventually, produced, definitions, in excess of, 40000 words, written down, 80 large notebooks,  

The answer can be found in paragraph no.6. At the beginning of the paragraph, the author mentions, “The work was immense; filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand). Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, . .. .. .”

Here, without = did not have, to hand = available,

So, the answer is: library

Question no. 6: On publication, the Dictionary was immediately hailed in many European countries as a landmark. According to his biographer, James Boswell, Johnson’s principal achievement was to bring ___________ to the English language.

Keywords for the question: immediately hailed, European countries, landmark, biographer, James Boswell, principal achievement, bring, to the English language,   

In paragraph no. 7, the writer says, “After many vicissitudes the Dictionary was finally published on 15 April 1775. It was instantly recognised as a landmark throughout Europe. . . .. .”

Here, instantly recognised = immediately hailed, throughout Europe = in many European countries,

Then, at the end of paragraph no. 8, we find the comment of James Boswell, “ . .. .. It is the corner-stone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell’s words, ‘conferred stability on the language of his country’.”

Here, in James Boswell’s words = According to his biographer James Boswell, conferred = was to bring, on the language of his country = to the English language,

So, the answer is: stability

Question no. 7: As a reward for his hard work, he was granted a _________ by the king.

Keywords for the question: reward, for, hard work, granted, by the King,  

In the last paragraph (paragraph no. 9), the author says, “The Dictionary, together with his other writing, made Johnson famous and so well esteemed that his friends were able to prevail upon King George III to offer him a pension. .. .”

Here, offer him = he was granted, King George III = the King,

So, the answer is: pension

Questions 8-13: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUE
The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSE
If there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 8: The growing importance of the middle classes led to an increased demand for dictionaries.

Keywords for the question: growing importance, middle classes, led to, increased demand, dictionaries,

In paragraph no. 3, the first few lines say, “Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer – lexical as well as social and commercial. .. .. .”

Here, rise of the English middle class = growing importance of the middle classes, associated with = led to, the rise of dictionaries = increased demand for dictionaries,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 9: Johnson has become more well known since his death.

Keywords for the question: Johnson, become, more well known, since, death,  

In paragraph no. 3, lines 8-13 say, “ . .. . It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson, the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in his own time as in ours, should have published his dictionary at the very beginning of the heyday of the middle class.”

Here, as famous in his own time as in ours = Johnson was as well known in his time as after his death, not more, not less,

So, the question contradicts the information in the text.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 10: Johnson had been planning to write a dictionary for several years.

Keywords for the question: Johnson, planning to write, dictionary, several years,

Paragraph no. 4 talks about Johnson’s decision about writing a dictionary. However, it doesn’t mention anywhere whether he had been planning to write it for several years or not.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 11: Johnson set up an academy to help with the writing of his Dictionary.

Keywords for the question: Johnson, set up, academy, to help, writing of his Dictionary,

At the end of paragraph no. 4, the writer says, “… .. . He was to be paid £ 1,575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his ‘dictionary workshop’.”

Here, dictionary workshop = not an academy,

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 12: Johnson only received payment for his Dictionary on its completion.  

Keywords for the question: Johnson, only received, payment, for, Dictionary, on its completion,  

Again, in the same lines, the author says, “ . .. . He was to be paid £ 1,575 in instalments, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up his ‘dictionary workshop’.”

This means Dr Johnson had already taken money from the amount he was to be paid. So, he already received money before the completion of the Dictionary project.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 13: Not all of the assistants survived to see the publication of the Dictionary.

Keywords for the question: not, all, assistants, survived, to see, publication, Dictionary,

At the end of paragraph no. 5, the author says, “ . .. . He was also helped by six assistantstwo of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.”

Here, two of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation = two of the assistants died before the publication of the Dictionary, means two of them did not survive,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Reading Passage 2: Nature or Nurture?

Questions 14-19: Identifying information

[This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D … .. ) in the answer sheet. Now, if the question is given in the very first part of the question set, I’d request you not to answer them. It’s mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. Rather, you should answer all the other questions first. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part. If you don’t find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]

Question no. 14: a biological explanation of the teacher-subjects’ behaviour

Keywords for the question: biological explanation, teacher-subjects’ behaviour,  

At the beginning of paragraph F, the writer provides a biological explanation of the behaviour displayed by the teacher-subjects, “One’s first inclination might be to argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct that was activated by the experiment, and that Milgram’s teacher- subjects were just following a genetic need to discharge this pent-up primal urge onto the pupil by administering the electrical shock. .. ..”

Here, some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct & teacher- subjects were just following a genetic need = biological explanation about the teacher-subjects’ behaviour,

So, the answer is: F

Question no. 15: the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment

Keywords for the question: explanation, Milgram gave, teacher-subjects, for, experiment,  

The last half of paragraph A gives us the answer, “. .. .. .  Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils’ ability to learn.”

Here, Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ = the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects,

So, the answer is: A

Question no. 16: the identity of the pupils

Keywords for the question: identity, pupils,

In paragraph B, we can find the identity of the pupils in line no. 6, “ . .. . The supposed ‘pupil‘ was in reality an actor hired by Milgram . . .. .”

Here, an actor = the identity of the pupils,  

So, the answer is: B

Question no. 17: the expected statistical outcome

Keywords for the question: expected, statistical outcome,

The answer can be found in paragraph D. Take a close look at the last half of the paragraph, “ . .. . . The overwhelming consensus was that virtually all the teacher-subjects would refuse to obey the experimenter. The psychiatrists felt that ‘most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts’ and they further anticipated that only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, they thought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1.000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts.”

Here, consensus = expected statistical outcome,

Then the writer provides some figures about what people would do regarding providing electric shocks to test subjects.

So, the answer is: D

Question no. 18: the general aim of sociobiological study

Keywords for the question: general aim, sociobiological study,

The last few lines of paragraph I provides the answer, “ . .. Put another way, sociobiology is concerned with elucidating the biological basis of all behaviour.”

Here, is concerned with = general aim,

So, the answer is: I

Question no. 19: the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue

Keywords for the question: way, Milgram, persuaded, teacher-subjects, continue,  

The answer lies in paragraph C. The writer says in lines 3-7, “ . .. .. . Many of the teacher-subjects balked at administering the higher levels of punishment, and turned to Milgram with questioning locks and/or complaints about continuing the experiment. In these situations, Milgram calmly explained that the teacher-subject was to ignore the pupil’s cries for mercy and carry on with the experiment. .. .. .”

Here, Milgram calmly explained = Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects calmly,

So, the answer is: C

Questions 20-22: Multiple choice questions

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is found as the last question so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers for previous questions gives you a good idea about the title.]

Question no. 20: The teacher-subjects were told that they were testing whether –

Keywords for the question: teacher-subjects, were told, testing whether,

We can find the answer in lines 5-7 of paragraph A, “ . .. .. Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils’ ability to learn.”

Here, punishing pupils for their mistakes = punishment, positive effect = helps, ability to learn = learning,

So, the answer is: (punishment helps learning.)

Question no. 21: The teacher-subjects were instructed to –

Keywords for the question: teacher-subjects, were instructed,

The answer can be found in the last lines of paragraph B, “ . .. . Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever level of shock was called foras per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment.”

Here, to administer whatever level of shock was called for = give punishment, as per the rule = according to a rule,

So, the answer is: (give punishment according to a rule.)

Question no. 22: Before the experiment took place the psychiatrists –

Keywords for the question: before, experiment took place, psychiatrists,

To find the answer to this question we have to look at two paragraphs. First, take a look at paragraph D where we find the mention of psychiatrists, “Prior to carrying out the experiment, Milgram explained his idea to a group of 39 psychiatrists and asked them to predict the average percentage of people in an ordinary population who would be willing to administer the highest shock level of 450 volts. The overwhelming consensus was that virtually all the teacher-subjects would refuse to obey the experimenter. . .. . .”

These lines suggest that the psychiatrists predicted that no teacher-subjects were willing to obey the experimenter.

However, in the following paragraph (paragraph E), the writer says at the beginning, “What were the actual results? Well, over 60 per cent of the teacher-subjects continued to obey Milgram up to the 450-volt limit! . .. .”

These lines suggest that a big number of the teacher-subjects actually continued to obey the experimenter (Milgram).

This means the psychiatrists underestimated the teacher-subjects’ willingness to comply with experimental procedure.

So, the answer is: (underestimated the teacher-subjects’ willingness to comply with experimental procedure.)

Questions 23-26: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSEIf there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 23: Several of the subjects were psychology students at Yale University.

Keywords for the question: several, subjects, psychology students, Yale University,   

In paragraph A, the writer talks about the teacher-subjects in lines 5-6, “ . .. Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, . .. . .”

Here, we have no clue about the identity of the teacher-subjects.  

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 24: Some people may believe that the teacher-subjects’ behaviour could be explained as a positive survival mechanism.

Keywords for the question: some people, may believe, teacher-subjects’ behaviour, could be explained, as, positive, survival mechanism,

To find the answer to this question, we have to travel all the way to paragraph F where we find about a claim made by someone, “ . .. . A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways.”

Here, aggressive instinct = teacher-subjects’ behaviour, an advantageous trait = a positive survival mechanism,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 25: In a sociological explanation, personal values are more powerful than authority.

Keywords for the question: sociological explanation, personal values, more powerful, than authority,

Have a close look at these lines from paragraph H, “Thus, in this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and personal and moral code with that of larger institutional structures, surrendering individual properties like loyalty, self-sacrifice and discipline to the service of malevolent systems of authority.”

Here, merges = as equal as, unique personality and personal and moral code = personal values,

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 26: Milgram’s experiment solves an important question in sociobiology.

Keywords for the question: Milgram’s experiment, solves, important question, sociobiology,    

The answer can be found in paragraph I in the first few lines, “Here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional authority figure. The problem for biologists, psychologists and anthropologists is to sort out which of these two polar explanations is more plausible. . .. ..”

This means biologists, psychologists and anthropologists are not sure about which explanation is more plausible or reasonable.

So, Milgram’s experiment did not solve the question in sociobiology.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Reading Passage 3: The Truth about the Environment  

Questions 27-32: YES, NO, NOT GIVEN:

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the claim of the writer in the text- YES
The statement in the question contradicts with the claim of the writer in the text- NO
The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

TIPS: For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 27: Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons.

Keywords for the question: Environmentalists, pessimistic view, world, for, a number of reasons,

The answer can be found in the first paragraph, “For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet’s air and water are becoming ever more polluted.”

Here, the world seems to be getting worse = pessimistic view, main fears = a number of reasons,

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 28: Data on the Earth’s natural resources has only been collected since 1972.

Keywords for the question: data, Earth’s natural resources, only, been collected, since 1972,

In the second paragraph, the writer says in the beginning, “But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural resources have become more abundant, not less so, since the book The Limits to Growth’ was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. … .”

The lines suggest that a book was published in 1972. However, there is no information about when the data on the Earth’s natural resources were collected.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 29: The number of starving people in the world has increased in recent years.

Keywords for the question: number of starving people, world, increased, recent years,

In the second paragraph, the writer says in lines 3-5, “ … . Second, more food is now produced per head of the world’s population than at any time in history. Fewer people are starving. . .. . .” 

Here, Fewer people are starving = the number of starving people …. has decreased in recent years,

So, the answer is: NO

Question no. 30: Extinct species are being replaced by new species.

Keywords for the question: extinct species, being replaced, new species,

Lines 4-6 in paragraph no. 2 says, “ .. . Third, although species are indeed becoming extinct, only about 0.7% of them are expected to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%, as has so often been predicted.. . .. .”

Here, the writer confesses that species are becoming extinct. However, we find no information about their replacement with new species.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 31: Some pollution problems have been correctly linked to industrialisation.

Keywords for the question: some pollution problems, correctly linked, industrialisation,

Lines 4-6 in paragraph no. 2 says, 7-9, “ . .. . And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient – associated with the early phases of industrialisation and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. .. .. .”

Here, most forms of environmental pollution = Some pollution problems, correctly linked = transient – associated, the early phases of industrialisation = industrialisation,

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 32: It would be best to attempt to slow down economic growth.

Keywords for the question: best to attempt, slow down, economic growth,

In paragraph no. 5, take a look at the first few lines, “. .. . . Secondly, environmental groups need to be noticed by the mass media. They also need to keep the money rolling in.  .. .. .”

Here, keep the money rolling in = continue economic growth as it is,

So, the answer is: NO

Questions 33-37: Multiple choice questions

[This type of question asks you to choose a suitable answer from the options using the knowledge you gained from the passage. Generally, this question is found as the last question so you should not worry much about it. Finding all the answers to previous questions gives you a good idea about the title.]

Question no. 33: What aspect of scientific research does the writer express concern about in paragraph 4?

Keywords for the question: aspect, scientific research, concern about, paragraph 4,  

The answer can be found in paragraph 4, “One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research. Scientific funding goes mainly to areas with many problems. That may be wise policy, but it will also create an impression that many more potential problems exist than is the case.”

Here, lopsidedness = leaning on one side (selection of areas of research)

So, the answer is: (the selection of areas to research)

Question no. 34: The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how –

Keywords for the question: writer, quotes, Worldwide Fund for Nature, illustrate, how,    

The writer says in paragraph no. 5, “ . .. .  In 1997, for example, the World Wide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled: ‘Two thirds of the world’s forests lost forever’. The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.”

Here, Two thirds of the world’s forests = 66.66% of the world’s forests,

This means the World Wide Fund for Nature exaggerates or overstresses their claims.

So, the answer is: (environmental groups can exaggerate their claims.)

Question no. 35: What is the writer’s main point about lobby groups in paragraph 6?

Keywords for the question: writer’s main point, lobby groups, paragraph 6,

The writer says in paragraph no. 6, “. .. .. A trade organisation arguing for, say, weaker pollution controls is instantly seen as self-interested. Yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as altruisticeven if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest they are doing more harm than good.”

Here, the writer points out that some organisations get more criticism compared to some other.

So, the answer is: (Some receive more criticism than others.)

Question no. 36: The writer suggests that newspapers print items that are intended to –

Keywords for the question: newspapers, print, items, intended to,    

The answer can be found at the beginning of paragraph no. 7. The writer says here, “A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media. People are clearly more curious about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. .. ..”

Here, to provide = to print items, what the public wants = meet their readers’ expectations,

So, the answer is: (meet their readers’ expectations.)

Question no. 37: What does the writer say about America’s waste problem?

Keywords for the question: America’s waste problem,   

The answer is found in paragraph no. 8 where the writer says, “ .. . People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste. Yet, even if America’s trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the entire 21st century will still take up only one-12,000th of the area of the entire United States.

Here, the writer suggests that the trash problem in America is not as serious as it has been told. 

So, the answer is: (It is not as important as we have been led to believe.)

Questions 38-40: Completing summary with list of words

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to complete a summary with a list of words taken from the passage. Candidates must write the correct letter (not the words) as the answers. Keywords and synonyms are important to find answers correctly. Generally, this type of question maintains a sequence. Find the keywords in the passage and you are most likely to find the answers.]

Question no. 38 & 39: The writer admits that global warming is a 38. __________ challenge, but says that it will not have a catastrophic impact on our future, if we deal with it in the 39. _______ way.

Keywords for the question: recent years, have been obliged to give up, lifestyle, but, continue to, depend mainly on, for food and clothes,    

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 2 in lines 10-13. The writer says here, “. . .. One form of pollution – the release of greenhouse gases that causes global warming – does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem. A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it.

Here, a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future = long-term phenomenon,

A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it = it will not have a catastrophic impact on our future, if we deal with it in the right way.

So, the answers are:

  • (long-term)
  • (right)

Question no. 40: If we try to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases, he believes that it would only have a minimal impact on rising temperatures. He feels it would be better to spend money on the more ___________ health problem of providing the world’s population with clean drinking water.

Keywords for the question: produce, particularly expensive,   

In paragraph no. 11 the author says, “ . .. . Yet the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the United States alone, will be higher than the cost of solving the world’s single, most pressing health problem: providing universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Such measures would avoid 2 million deaths every year, and prevent half a billion people from becoming seriously ill.”

Here, reducing carbon dioxide emissions = reduce the levels of greenhouse gases, single most pressing health problem = urgent health problem, universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation = providing the world’s population with clean drinking water,

So, the answer is: (urgent)



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