The Ielts Bridge


Reading Passage 1: The Impact of Wilderness Tourism

Questions 1-3: List of headings

[In this question type, IELTS candidates are provided with a list of headings, usually identified with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc,). A heading will refer to the main idea of the paragraph or section of the text. Candidates must find out the equivalent heading to the correct paragraphs or sections, which are marked with alphabets A, B, C and so forth. Candidates need to write the appropriate Roman numerals in the boxes on their answer sheets. There will always be two or three more headings than there are paragraphs or sections. So, some of the headings will not be used. It is also likely that some paragraphs or sections may not be included in the task. Generally, the first paragraph is an example paragraph that will be done for the candidates for their understanding of the task.

TIPS: Skimming is the best reading technique. You need not understand every word here. Just try to gather the gist of the sentences. That’s all. Read quickly and don’t stop until you finish each sentence.]

Question no. 1: Section A

Section A contains two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, take a look at line no. 7, “ . .. these regions are fragile (i.e. highly vulnerable to abnormal pressures). . .”

Then, in the second paragraph, the author of the passage says, “Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural landscape beauty and the unique cultures of their indigenous people. And poor governments in these isolated areas have welcomed the new breed of ‘adventure tourist’, grateful for the hard currency they bring. For several years now, tourism has been the prime source of foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan. Tourism is also a key element in the economies of Arctic zones such as Lapland and Alaska and in desert areas such as Ayers Rock in Australia and Arizona’s Monument Valley.”

Here, Tourists are drawn to these regions by their natural landscape beauty and the unique cultures of their indigenous people, poor governments in these isolated areas have welcomed the new breed of ‘adventure tourist’, grateful for the hard currency they bring = the reason for the expansion of tourism there,

So, the answer is: iii (Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there)

Question no. 2: Section B

Section B explains how wilderness tourism has negatively affected areas such as mountains, deserts and arctic regions. Look at these lines from the first paragraph, “ .. ..  When hill-farmers, for example, can make more money in a few weeks working as porters for foreign trekkers than they can in a year working in their fields, . .. .. .. . In some hill-regions, this has led to a serious decline in farm output and a change in the local diet, because there is insufficient labour to maintain terraces and irrigation systems and tend to crops. The result has been that many people in these regions have turned to outside supplies of rice and other foods.”

Then, in the second paragraph, the writer talks about the effects in the Arctic region, “ .. . However, as some inhabitants become involved in tourism, they no longer have time to collect wild food; this has led to increasing dependence on bought food and stores. … . .”

So, the answer is: (Some of the disruptive effects of wilderness tourism)

Question no. 3: Section C

In section C, the first few lines of the second paragraph indicate the answer to this question, “In the Swiss Alps, communities have decided that their future depends on integrating tourism more effectively with the local economy. .. ..”

Here, integrating tourism more effectively with the local economy = How local communities can balance their own needs with the demands of wilderness tourism,

Also, in the third paragraph, in lines 3-4, the writer talks more about the integration, “ . . . But some Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves, thereby ensuring that the benefits accrue locally. … ..”

Here, Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves = How local communities can balance their own needs with the demands of wilderness tourism,

So, the answer is: ii (How local communities can balance their own needs with the demands of wilderness tourism)

Question 4-9: YES, NO, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the claim of the writer in the text- YES
The statement in the question contradicts with the claim of the writer in the text- NO
The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

TIPS: For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 4: The low financial cost of selling up wilderness tourism makes it attractive to many countries.

Keywords for the question: low financial cost, selling up, wilderness tourism, makes, attractive, many countries,

The answer lies in section A, in beginning of the first paragraph, “ .. . . Countries all across the world are actively promoting their ‘wilderness’ regions – such as mountains. Arctic lands, deserts, small islands and wetlands – to high-spending tourists. The attraction of these areas is obvious: by definition, wilderness tourism requires little or no initial investment. . …”

Here, wilderness tourism requires little or no initial investment = low financial cost of selling up wilderness tourism,

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 5: Deserts, mountains and Arctic regions are examples of environments that are both ecologically and culturally fragile.

Keywords for the question: Deserts, mountains and Arctic regions, examples of environments,

The answer is in the first paragraph of section A in lines 7-8, “ .. .. these regions are fragile (i.e. highly vulnerable to abnormal pressures) not just in terms of their ecology, but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants. . ..”

Here, not just in terms of their ecology, but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants = both ecologically and culturally,

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 6: Wilderness tourism operates throughout the year in fragile areas.

Keywords for the question: wilderness tourism, operates, throughout the year, fragile areas,

The last lines of paragraph no. 1 in section A gives us the answer, “ . .. . Consequently, most human activities, including tourism, are limited to quite clearly defined parts of the year.”

Here, limited to quite clearly defined parts of the year = tourism does not operate throughout the year in fragile areas,

So, the answer is: NO

Question no. 7: The spread of tourism in certain hill-regions has resulted in a fall in the amount of food produced locally.

Keywords for the question: spread of tourism, certain hill-regions, resulted, fall in the amount of food, produced locally,

In section B, lines 2-8 of the first paragraph says, “. . .. When hill-farmers, for example, can make more money in a few weeks working as porters for foreign trekkers than they can in a year working in their fields, it is not surprising that many of them give up their farm-work, which is thus left to other members of the family. In some hill-regions, this has led to a serious decline in farm output and a change in the local diet, because there is insufficient labour to maintain terraces and irrigation systems and tend to crops. .. ..”

Here, the lines suggest that many farming communities have left their jobs of farming as they can earn more money by selling pottery to the travellers due to the spread of tourism. This has resulted in a serious decline in farm output (resulted in a fall in the amount of food produced locally).

So, the answer is: YES

Question no. 8: Traditional food-gathering in desert societies was distributed evenly over the year.

Keywords for the question: traditional food-gathering, desert societies, distributed evenly, over the year,

In section B, in the second paragraph, take a look at the first few lines, “In Arctic and desert societies, year-round survival has traditionally depended on hunting animals and fish and collecting fruit over a relatively short season. . .. .”

Here, hunting animals and fish and collecting fruit = traditional food-gathering, over a relatively short season = NOT distributed evenly over the year,

So, the answer is: NO

Question no. 9: Government handouts do more damage than tourism does to traditional patterns of food-gathering.

Keywords for the question: government handouts, do more damage, than, tourism does, traditional patterns, food-gathering,

We find the mention of ‘government handouts’ in line no. 6 in the second paragraph of section B. However, we find NO COMPARISON on whether ‘government handouts’ do more damage to traditional patterns of food-gathering than tourism does.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question 10-13: Completing table: ONE WORD ONLY

[In this type of question, candidates need to fill in the gaps in a table with ONE WORD ONLY. Skimming and scanning, both reading skills are essential for this question-type.]

Title of the table: The positive ways in which some local communities have responded to tourism

Question no. 10:

People/Location: Swiss Pays d’Enhaut

Activity: Revived production of ___________.

Keywords for the question: Swiss Pays d’Enhaut, revived, production,

Take a look at section C. In paragraph no. 2, the writer says, “ . .. .. Local concern about the rising number of second home developments In the Swiss Pays d’Enhaut resulted in limits being imposed on their growth. There has also been a renaissance in communal cheese production in the area, providing the locals with a reliable source of income that does not depend on outside visitors.”

Here, renaissance in communal cheese production = revived production of cheese,

So, the answer is: cheese

Question no. 11:

People/Location: Arctic communities

Activity: Operate ___________ businesses.

Keywords for the question: Arctic communities, operate, businesses,   

Again, in section C, take a look at paragraph no. 3. In lines 3-4, the writer says, “ . .. But some Arctic communities are now operating tour businesses themselves, thereby ensuring that the benefits accrue locally. … .”

So, the answer is: tourism/tourist/tour

Question no. 12:

People/Location: Acoma and San Ildefonso

Activity: Produce and sell ___________.

Keywords for the question: Acoma and San Ildefonso, produce, sell,

In paragraph no. 4 of section C, the author says in lines 3-4, “ .. . The Acoma and San Ildefonso pueblos have established highly profitable pottery businesses, ….”

Here, businesses = produce and sell,

So, the answer is: pottery  

Question no. 13:  

People/Location: Navajo and Hopi

Activity: Produce and sell ___________.

Keywords for the question: Navajo and Hopi, produce, sell,   

In paragraph no. 4 of section C, the author says in lines 4-5, “ .. . while the Navajo and Hopi groups have been similarly successful with Jewellery.”

Here, similarly successful = successful in producing and selling,

So, the answer is: jewelry/ jewellery  

Reading Passage 2 : Flawed Beauty: the problem with toughened glass

Questions 14-17: Matching statements with a list of people

[In this type of question, candidates need to relate statements that are given by or link to people in the passage. The rules for finding answers to this sort of question are simple. Just find the name of the person and read around it carefully. Then, give a quick look to check whether there is another statement or idea provided by the same person in the text. If there is, check the reference carefully and decide your answer. Remember, the questions may not follow any sequential order.]

Question no. 14: Brian Waldron

Keywords for the question: Brian Waldron

At the very first paragraph, the nickel sulphide failure of a glass pane in the town of Cirencester in the UK is mentioned.

Then, in the next paragraph (paragraph no. 2) we can see a comment made by Brian Waldron. “The glass industry is aware of the issue,’ says Brian Waldron, .. .. .. .. But he insists that cases are few and far between. ‘It’s a very rare phenomenon.’ he says.”

Here, very rare phenomenon = very unusual,

So, the answer is: (claims that nickel sulphide failure is very unusual)

Question no. 15: Trevor Ford

Keywords for the question: Trevor Ford

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 3, in lines 10-14, “ .. . .  ‘What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg,’ says Trevor Ford, a glass expert at Resolve Engineering in Brisbane. Queensland. He believes the reason is simple: ‘No-one wants bad press.’”

Here, No-one wants bad press = publicity about nickel sulphide has been suppressed,

So, the answer is: (suggests that publicity about nickel sulphide failure has been suppressed)

Question no. 16: Graham Dodd

 Keywords for the question: Graham Dodd

The answer to this question can be found in paragraph no. 8, in lines 6-15, “ .. . . It could happen just months after manufacture, or decades later, although if the glass is heated – by sunlight, for example – the process is speeded up. Ironically, says Graham Dodd, of consulting engineers Arup in London, the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington’s glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old.”

Here, decades later & 27 years old = most extreme case of delayed failure,

So, the answer is: (refers to the most extreme case of delayed failure)

Questions no. 17: John Barry

Keywords for the question: John Barry

In the final paragraph (paragraph no. 10), the writer mentions the work of John Berry in lines 7-12, “ .. .. . John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building. Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane. … .”

Here, analysed every glass pane in the building = closely examined all the glass in one building,

So, the answer is: (closely examined all the glass in one building)

Questions 18-24: Completing summary with list of words

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to complete a summary with a list of words taken from the passage. Candidates must write the correct letter (not the words) as the answers. Keywords and synonyms are important to find answers correctly. Generally, this type of question maintains a sequence. Find the keywords in the passage and you are most likely to find the answers.]

The title of the summary: Toughened Glass

Question no. 18: Toughened glass is favoured by architects because it is much stronger than ordinary glass, and the fragments are not as ________ when it breaks.

Keywords for the question: toughened glass, favoured by architects, because, much stronger than, ordinary glass, fragments, not, when it breaks,

In paragraph no. 4, the writer mentions the reason why architects favour toughened glass in lines 4-11, “ .. . .. This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shardsArchitects love it because large panels can be bolted together to make transparent walls, and turning it into ceilings and floors is almost as easy.”

Here, five times the strength of standard glass = much stronger than ordinary glass, Architects love it = Toughened glass is favoured by architects, rather than large, razor-sharp shards = the fragments are not as sharp when it breaks,

So, the answer is: (sharp)

Question no. 19: However, it has one disadvantage: it can shatter _________.

Keywords for the question: however, one disadvantage, can shatter,

In paragraph no. 8 the writer says in lines 4-5, “ . .. .  the stresses this unleashes can shatter the whole sheet. The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable.

Here, The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable = it can shatter unexpectedly,

So, the answer is: (unexpectedly)

Question no. 20: This fault is a result of the manufacturing process. Ordinary glass is first heated, then cooled very ________.

Keywords for the question: this fault, result, manufacturing process, ordinary glass, first heated, then cooled, very,

The answer can be found in paragraph no. 5. At the beginning, the writer says, “It is made by heating a sheet of ordinary glass to about 620°C to soften it slightly, allowing its structure to expand, and then cooling it rapidly with jets of cold air. . . . .”

Here, rapidly = quickly,  

So, the answer is: (quickly)

Question no. 21: The outer layer ________ before the inner layer, and the tension between the two layers which is created because of this makes the glass stronger.

Keywords for the question: outer layer, before, inner layer, tension between the two layers,  created, because of this, makes, glass, stronger,   

In paragraph no. 5, look closely at lines 5-11, “ .. . . This causes the outer layer of the pane to contract and solidify before the interior. When the interior finally solidifies and shrinks, it exerts a pull on the outer layer that leaves it in permanent compression and produces a tensile force inside the glass. .. .”

Here, before the interior = before the inner layer,

So, the answer is: (contracts)

Question no. 22: However, if the glass contains nickel sulphide impurities, crystals of nickel sulphide are formed. These are unstable and can expand suddenly, particularly if the weather is ________. If this happens, the pane of glass may break.

Keywords for the question: however, if, glass contains, nickel sulphide impurities, crystals of nickel sulphide, formed, unstable, can expand, suddenly, particularly, if, weather, if this happens, pane of glass, may break,   

The answer can be found in two places. First, in paragraph no. 6, the writer provides a hint of heat that can cause damage to glass, “ .. . As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form tiny crystals of nickel sulphide. Just a tenth of a gram of nickel in the furnace can create up to 50,000 crystals.”

Then, in paragraph no. 8, in lines 5-10, the writer says, “ . .. .  The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable. It could happen just months after manufacture, or decades later, although if the glass is heated – by sunlight, for example – the process is speeded up. .. ..”

Here, sunlight, for example = warm weather, the process is speeded up = can expand suddenly,

So, the answer is: (warm)

Question no. 23: The frequency with which such problems occur is _________ by glass experts. Furthermore, the crystals cannot be detected without sophisticated equipment.

Keywords for the question: frequency, such problems occur, by glass experts, furthermore, crystals, cannot be, detected, without, sophisticated equipment,  

The last part of paragraph no. 8 and the complete paragraph no. 9 indicates that there is a big dispute over the issue of the frequency with which such problems occur.

The writer says in paragraph no. 8, “ .. … Ironically, says Graham Dodd, of consulting engineers Arup in London, the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington’s glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old.” So, here, one expert (Graham Dodd) is saying that such problems happen after a long time.

Now, in the next paragraph (paragraph no. 9), the writer also says, “Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find. The picture is made more complicated by the fact that these crystals occur in batches. So even if on average, there is only one inclusion in 7 tonnes of glass, if you experience one nickel sulphide failure in your building, that probably means you’ve got a problem in more than one pane. Josie says that in the last decade he has worked on over 15 buildings with the number of failures into double figures.” Here, another expert (Barrie Josie) is saying that over the last 10 years he found such problems 2 times more than previous times.

This suggests that the frequency with which such problems (failure due to nickel sulphide inclusions) occur is disputed among glass experts.

So, the answer is: (disputed)

Questions 25-26: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSEIf there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 24: Little doubt was expressed about the reason for the Bishops Walk accident.

Keywords for the question: little doubt, expressed about, reason, the Bishops Walk accident,  

In the last line of paragraph no.1, the writer comments on the Bishops Walk accident. “  .. . . they found that minute crystals of nickel sulphide trapped inside the glass had almost certainly caused the failure.”

Here, almost certainly caused the failure = little doubt about the reason,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 25: Toughened glass has the same appearance as ordinary glass.

Keywords for the question: toughened glass, same appearance, as, ordinary glass,   

In this passage, we find how ordinary glass is processed into toughened glass. However, there is no comparison of the appearance between toughened glass and ordinary glass.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 26: There is plenty of documented evidence available about the incidence of nickel sulphide failure.

Keywords for the question: plenty of documented evidence, available, about, incidence of nickel sulphide failure,   

In the first lines of paragraph no. 9 the writer states, “Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find. … .”

Here, almost impossible to find = there is not enough documented evidence about the incidence of nickel sulphide failure,

So, the answer is: FALSE

Reading Passage 3 : The effects of light on plant and animal species

Questions 27-33: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage – TRUEThe statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage – FALSEIf there is no information on this – NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question no. 27: There is plenty of scientific evidence to support photoperiodism.

Keywords for the question: plenty of, scientific evidence, support, photoperiodism, 

Take a look at lines 5-6 in paragraph no. 2, “ . .. . The seasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is called photoperiodism, and the amount of experimental evidence for this phenomenon is considerable. .. .. .”

Here, experimental evidence = scientific evidence, considerable = plenty of,  

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 28: Some types of bird can be encouraged to breed out of season.

Keywords for the question: some types, bird, can be encouraged, breed, out of season,

In paragraph no. 2, lines 7-8 say, “ . .. For example, some species of birds’ breeding can be induced even in midwinter simply by increasing day length artificially (Wolfson 1964). .. .”

Here, some species of birds = some types of bird, induced = encouraged, even in midwinter = out of season,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 29: Photoperiodism is restricted to certain geographic areas.

Keywords for the question: Photoperiodism, restricted, certain geographic areas,

In paragraphs no. 2, 3 and 4 the writer mentions ‘temperate zones’ – areas of the world that have a temperate climate. However, no mention of any geographical restriction of photoperiodism can be found in this passage.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN

Question no. 30: Desert annuals are examples of 1ong-day plants.

Keywords for the question: desert annuals, examples, long-day plants,

In paragraph no. 4 the writer says at the end, “. .. . . For example, desert annuals germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length.”

Here, regardless of the day length = day-neutral,

This means desert annuals are examples of day-neutral plants, NOT long-day plants.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 31: Bamboos flower several times during their life cycle.

Keywords for the question: bamboos, flower, several times, during, life cycle,

At the beginning of paragraph no. 5, the author writes, “Bamboos are perennial grasses that remain in a vegetative state for many years and then suddenly flower, fruit and die (Evans 1976). … ..”

Here, suddenly flower, fruit and die = flower one time during life cycle,

Then, the writer provides some statistics to support the sentence.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question no. 32: Scientists have yet to determine the cue of Chusquea abietifolia’s seasonal rhythm.

Keywords for the question: scientists, yet to determine, cue, Chusquea abietifolia’s seasonal rhythm

Again, in paragraph no. 5, the writer says in lines 3-6, “. .. Every bamboo of the species Chusquea abietifolia on the island of Jamaica flowered, set seed and died during 1884. The next generation of bamboo flowered and died between 1916 and 1918, which suggests a vegetative cycle of about 31 years. The climatic trigger for this flowering cycle is not yet known, but the adaptive significance is clear.” 

Here, The climatic trigger for this flowering cycle = Chusquea abietifolia’s seasonal rhythm, not known yet = Scientists have yet to determine,

So, the answer is: TRUE

Question no. 33: Eastern hemlock is a fast-growing plant.

Keywords for the question: Eastern hemlock, fast-growing plant,

For this question, we need to go to the final paragraph. In the beginning of the paragraph, the writer says in lines 2-3, “ .. . .. Shade-tolerant plants have lower photosynthetic rates and hence have lower growth rates than those of shade-intolerant species. .. .”

Then, in line no. 7, the writer says, “ . .. . For example, eastern hemlock seedlings are shade-tolerant.”

As eastern hemlock is shade-tolerant plant, it has lower growth rate (slow-growing plant).

So, the answer is: FALSE

Questions 34-40: Completing sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write a maximum of three words to complete sentences on the given topic. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.

[TIPS: Here scanning technique will come in handy. Target the keywords of the questions to find the answers. Remember to focus on Proper nouns, random Capital letters, numbers, special characters of text etc.]

Question no. 34: Day length is a useful cue for breeding in areas where ________ are unpredictable.

Keywords for the question: day length, useful cue, breeding, areas, unpredictable,     

The writer says in paragraph no. 2 in lines 2-5, “ .. . .. Day length is an excellent cue, because it provides a perfectly predictable pattern of change within the year. In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length increases steadily by a predictable amount. . .. ”

Here, excellent cue = useful cue, fluctuate greatly from day to day = unpredictable,  

So, the answer is: temperatures

Question no. 35: Plants which do not respond to light levels are referred to as _________.

Keywords for the question: plants, do not respond, light levels, referred to, as,   

First, in lines 5-7, the writer explains the term that deals with response to light levels, “ .. . The seasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is called photoperiodism, and the amount or experimental evidence for this phenomenon is considerable. .. . ”

Then, in lines 11-12 of the same paragraph, the writer says, “ . .. . Plants which flower after a period of vegetative growth, regardless of photoperiod, are known as day-neutral plants.”

Here, regardless of photoperiod = do not respond to light levels, known as =  referred to as,

So, the answer is: day-neutral (plants)  

Question no. 36: Birds in temperate climates associate longer days with nesting and the availability of __________.

Keywords for the question: birds, temperature climates, associate, longer days, nesting, availability of,

Let’s have a close look at paragraph no. 3. Here, the author of the passage says in lines 4-6, “ . .. . Thus many temperate-zone birds use the increasing day lengths in spring as a cue to begin the nesting cycle, because this is a point when adequate food resources will be assured.”

Here, temperate-zone birds = Birds in temperate climates, increasing day lengths = longer days, will be assured = availability,

So, the answer is: (adequate) food (resources)   

Question no. 37: Plants that flower when days are long often depend on _________ to help them reproduce.

Keywords for the question: plants, flower, days are long, often, depend on, help them reproduce,    

The answer to this question can be traced in paragraph no. 4, in lines 3-4, “ . .. Long-day plants are adapted for situations that require fertilization by insects, or a long period of seed ripening. .. .”

Here, Long-day plants = Plants that flower when days are long, require = depend on,

So, the answer is: (fertilization/fertilisation by) insects

Question no. 38: Desert annuals respond to ________ as a signal for reproduction.

Keywords for the question: desert annuals, respond, as a signal, reproduction,      

The answer can be found in the last lines paragraph no. 4, “ .. . Day-neutral plants have an evolutionary advantage when the connection between the favourable period for reproduction and day length is much less certain. For example, desert annuals germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length.”

Here, germinate, flower and seed = respond,

So, the answer is: (suitable) rainfall

Question no. 39: There is no limit to the photosynthetic rate in plants such as___________.

Keywords for the question: no limit, photosynthetic rate, plants, such as,   

In paragraph no. 6, the last few lines say, “ . .. Some plants reach maximal photosynthesis at one-quarter full sunlight, and others, like sugarcanenever reach a maximum, but continue to increase photosynthesis rate as light intensity rises.”

Here, never reach a maximum = no limit to the photosynthetic rate,

So, the answer is: sugarcane  

Question no. 40: Tolerance to shade is one criterion for the ________ of plants in forestry and horticulture.

Keywords for the question: tolerance to shade, one criterion, plants in forestry and horticulture,

The first two lines of the final paragraph give us the answer to this question. The author says here, “ . .. . Plants in general can be divided into two groups: shade-tolerant species and shade-intolerant species. This classification is commonly used in forestry and horticulture.

Here, shade-tolerant species and shade-intolerant species = tolerance to shade,

So, the answer is: classification



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