The Ielts Bridge

IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 47

Part 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.

Notes for holiday
Travel information: will email the flight number

• Must find out which (1)  arriving at
• Best taxi company (2) 
• Note: Simon lives in the (3)  of the city
• Simon’s cell phone number (4) 

What to pack
To wear:
• Casual clothes
• One smart dress – to wear at a (5) 
• A good (6) 
• Tough (7) 

To read:
• Try to find book named (8)  by Rox Campbell

For presents:
• For Janice (9) 
• For Alec (10)  (with racing pictures)

Part 2: Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Camber’s theme park
11. According to the speaker, in what way is Camber’s different from other theme parks?
 A it is suitable for different age groups
 B it offers lots to do in wet weather
 C it has a focus on education

12. The park first opened in
 A 1980
 B 1997
 C 2004

13. What is included in the entrance fee?
 A most rides and parking
 B all rides and some exhibits
 C parking and all rides

14. Becoming a member of the Adventurers Club means
 A you can avoid queuing so much
 B you can enter the park free for a year
 C you can visit certain zones closed to other people

15. The Future Farm zone encourages visitors to
 A buy animals as pets
 B learn about the care of animals
 C get close to the animals

16. When is hot food available in the park?
 A 10 am – 5.30 pm
 B 11 am – 5 pm
 C 10.30 am – 5 pm

Questions 17-20

What special conditions apply to the following rides?

Choose FOUR answers from the list below and write correct letter A-F next to the questions 17-20

Special conditions for visitors
A Must be over a certain age
B Must use special safety equipment
C Must avoid it if they have health problems
D Must wear a particular type of clothing
E Must be over a certain height
F Must be accompanied by an adult if under 16

17. River Adventure 
18. Jungle Jim Rollercoaster 
19. Swoop Slide 
20. Zip Go-carts 

Part 3: Questions 21 and 22
Choose TWO letters A-E.

What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree to say about listening in groups?
 A Listening skills are often overlooked in business training
 B Learning to listen well is a skill that is easy for most people to learn
 C It is sometimes acceptable to argue against speakers
 D Body language is very important when listening
 E Listeners should avoid interrupting speakers

Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters A-E.

What TWO things does the article say about goal setting?
 A Meetings should start with a clear statement of goals
 B It is important for each individual’ goals to be explained
 C Everybody in the group should have the same goals
 D Goals should be a mix of the realistic and the ideal
 E Goals must always to be achievable within a set time

Questions 25 and 26
Choose TWO letters A-E.

What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree are weak points in the article’s section on conflict resolution?
 A It does not explore the topic in enough detail
 B It only discusses conservative views
 C It says nothing about the potential value of conflict
 D It talks too much about winners and losers
 E It does not provide definitions of key terms

Questions 27-30

What actions do Brad and Helen agree to do regarding the following preparation tasks?

Choose FOUR answers from the list below and write the correct letter A-F next to questions 27-30.

A Contact the tutor for clarification
B Check the assignment specifications
C Leave it until the last task
D Ask a course-mate to help
E Find information on the internet
F Look through course handbooks

Preparation tasks
27. Preparing the powerpoint 
28. Using direct quotations 
29. Creating a handout 
30. Drawing up a bibliography 

Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Engineering for sustainable development

• Short growing season because of high altitude and low (31) 
• Fresh vegetables imported by lorry or by (32)  , so are expensive
• Need to use sunlight to prevent local plants from (33) 
• Previous programmes to provide greenhouses were (34) 

New greenhouse

Meets criteria for sustainability
• Simple and (35)  to build
• Made mainly from local materials (mud or stone for the walls, wood and (36)  for the roof)
• Building and maintenance done by local craftsmen
• Runs solely on (37)  energy
• Only families who have a suitable (38)  can own one

• Long side faces South
• Strong polythene cover
• Inner (39)  are painted black or white

Social benefits
• Owners’ status is improved
• Rural (40)  have greater opportunities
• More children are educated



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