The Ielts Bridge

IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 61

Part 1: Questions 1-5
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

Customer details:
• They will be coming to London on (1) 
• He’s going with his sister and his (2) 

Tour details:
• Bus tour
o The cost is (3) £  for adults and (4) £  for children
o Tours start at 7 am and finish at (5) 

Questions 6-8
Choose TWO letters A-G.

Which three places does the tourist decide he’s likely to see?
 A Buckingham Palace
 B Big Ben
 C Harrods
 D Houses of Parliament
 E Hyde Park
 F St Paul’s Cathedral
 G London Eye

Questions 9-10
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

9. How will the tourist buy the tickets?
 A By phone
 B Online
 C On the bus

10. How long before he leaves should he buy his tickets?
 A 1 week
 B 6 weeks
 C 3 months

Part 2: Questions 11-12
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. Each day, pandas need to eat:
 A Very little nutrition
 B 12-38 kg of bamboo
 C 330 pounds of bamboo

12. If pandas are cared for away from the wild, they can live for approximately:
 A 6 months
 B 14-20 years
 C 30 years

Questions 13-14
Choose TWO letters A-E.

Select two things that are endangering pandas:
 A Public awareness
 B Ecotourism
 C Poaching
 D Other wildlife
 E Building of roads and railroads

Questions 15-16

15. What proportion of the panda population in China is protected by reserves? 
16. What did the WWF create which encouraged people to support pandas? 

Questions 17 – 20

Reasons that pandas may not be worth saving:
• They are extremely (17)  to look after
• They have a diet that is not (18) 
• They get sick easily and are hard to breed

Reasons that pandas should not be allowed to die out:
• They are in danger because (19)  are damaging the forests
• We should protect their homes because other animals live there
• The number of pandas in the wild is (20)  so they will not become extinct

Part 3: Questions 21 and 22
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

21. What is the problem that the students are having with the project?
 A The readings are too difficult
 B The readings are not interesting
 C The project is taking too long

22. When can extensions be granted?
 A Problems with planning
 B Illness or accidents
 C Scheduling issues

Questions 23-27
Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A–G next to questions 23–27.

A knowledge about their customers
B long-term gain
C competition
D customer satisfaction
E employees
F external factors

23. Princeton Windows 
24. MK Cars 
25. Lakeside Golf 
26. Bryson’s Meats 
27. Mojo’s Music Shop 

Questions 28-30
Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

A It has good managers
B It has been operating for too long
C There aren’t enough music shops
D It needs more innovative marketing
E It will close down in the end
F It has a good long-term future

28. Sarah 
29. John 
30. Neil 

Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Behavior or dolphins
• almost 40 species of dolphin
• found (31) 
• usually in shallower seas
• carnivores

• very sociable and live in pods
• super-pods may have more than (32)  dolphins
• have strong social bonds
• help other animals – Moko helped a whale and calf escape from (33) 
• have been known to assist swimmers

• discovered in May 2005 that young bottlenose dolphins learn to (34) 
• dolphins pass knowledge from mothers to daughters, whereas primates pass to (35) 

• dolphins may be aggressive towards each other
• Like humans, this is due to disagreements over (36)  and competition for females
• Infanticide sometimes occurs and the killing of porpoises

• dolphins have a variety of feeding methods, some of which are (37)  to one population
• methods include:
o herding
o corralling
(38)  or strand feeding
o whacking fish with their flukes

• have a variety of playful activities
• common behaviour with an object or small animal include:
o carrying it along
o passing it along
(39)  away from another dolphin throwing it out the water
• may harass other animals
• playful behaviour may include other (40)  such as humans



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