Part 1: Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Hilary Lodge Retirement House
Manager’s Name – Cathy
Activities programme involving volunteers
Monday evenings: computer training
• Training needed in how to produce (1)
Tuesday afternoons: singing
• The home has a (2) and someone to play it
Thursday mornings: growing (3)
• The home does not have many (4) for gardening
Once a month: meeting for volunteers and staff
• Go in on (5) any time
• Interview with assistant called (6)
• Address of home: 73 (7) road
Open house days
• Agreed to help on (8)
• Will show visitors where to (9)
• Possibility of talking to a (10) reporter
Part 2: Questions 11-15
Label the plan below. Write the correct letters A-H next to questions 11-15.

11. Newspapers
12. Computers
13. Photocopier
14. Café
15. Sports books
Questions 16-20
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Name | New responsibility |
Jenny Reed | buying for the (16)……………..centre |
Phil Penshurst | help with writing (17)……………….for courses |
Tom Salisbury | information on topics related to the (18)……………… |
Saeed Aktar | finding a (19)…………………….. |
Shilpa Desai | help with (20)…………………. |
(16) (17)
(18) (19)
Part 3: Questions 21-27
What helped Stewart with each of the following stages in making his training film for museum employees?
Choose SEVEN answers from options below.
What helped Stewart
A advice from friends
B information on a website
C being allowed extra time
D meeting a professional film maker
E good weather conditions
F getting a better computer
G support of a manager
H help from a family member
I work on a previous assignment
Stages in making the training film for museum employees
21. finding a location
22. Deciding on equipment
23. writing the script
24. Casting
25. filming
26. Editing
27. designing the DVD cover
Questions 28-30
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Stewart’s work placement: benefits to the Central Museum Association
• His understanding of the Association’s (28)
• The reduction in expense
• Increased co-operation between (29)
• Continuous (30) which led to a better product
• Ideas for distribution of the film
Part 4: Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
New Caledonian crows and the use of tools
Examples of animals using tools
• Some chimpanzees use stones to break nuts
• Betty (new Caledonian crow) made a (31) out of wire to move a bucket of food
New Zealand and Oxford experiment
• Three stages: crows needed to move a (32) in order to reach a short stick
Oxford research
• Crows used sticks to investigate whether there was any (33) from an object
• Research was inspired by seeing crows using tools on a piece of cloth to investigate a spider design
• Barney used a stick to investigate a snake made of (34)
• Pierre used a stick to investigate a (35)
• Corbeau used a stick to investigate a metal toad
• The crows only used sticks for the first contact
Conclusions of above research
• Ability to plan provides interesting evidence of the birds’ cognition
• Unclear whether this is evidence of the birds’ (36)
Exeter and Oxford research in New Caledonia
• Scientist have attached very small cameras to birds’ (37)
• Food in the form of beetle larvae provides plenty of (38) for the birds
• Larvae’s specific (39) composition can be identified in birds that feed on them
• Scientists will analyse what the birds include in their (40)