The Ielts Bridge

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Indoor Games

Indoor Games

  1. Do you engage in any indoor games?
    Yes, I actively participate in carom board and card games with my siblings and parents.
  2. Do you have a preference for indoor or outdoor games?
    My preference depends on the weather. During hot summer afternoons, I opt for indoor games. However, when the weather is pleasant, I play cricket and badminton outdoors with my friends.
  3. What indoor games were part of your childhood?
    During my childhood, I played carom board, ludo, and snakes and ladders.
  4. Did you have a favorite indoor game as a child?
    Ludo and snakes and ladders were my preferred indoor games during childhood.
  5. What indoor games are popular among children nowadays?
    In the digital age, children are inclined towards electronic games played on computers.
  6. Do you participate in video games?
    Yes, I occasionally play Mario and Tetris on my phone.
  7. What types of video games do you enjoy?
    I limit my video game choices to Mario and Tetris. At times, I feel I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on these two games.
  8. Is it beneficial for young people to engage in video games?
    Yes, video games can be beneficial, but moderation is key. They expose children to computer technology and help develop strategic thinking skills.



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