The Ielts Bridge

Some people say that parents should encourage their children

Question – Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.

In the modern, fast-paced world, the question of how children spend their free time sparks debate. Advocates for organized group activities contend that they impart valuable social skills and teamwork, crucial for personal and professional growth. Engaging in team sports or group projects teaches collaboration, effective communication, and interpersonal navigation, broadening horizons by exposing children to diverse perspectives.

Conversely, proponents of independent play emphasize the benefits of unstructured free time in fostering creativity, problem-solving, and self-discovery. Activities chosen independently, be it reading, drawing, or exploring nature, cultivate autonomy and decision-making abilities, contributing to a child’s emotional well-being. The independence gained nurtures a strong sense of identity and self-esteem.

The key lies in finding a harmonious blend between these approaches. Encouraging a mix of both organized group activities and independent play allows children to benefit from social interaction while honing their ability to entertain themselves. Striking this balance ensures the development of a well-rounded skill set, including social competence, creativity, and the capacity for independent thought.

In conclusion, the debate over encouraging organized group activities versus fostering independent play is not binary. A balanced approach that incorporates both aspects is essential for nurturing a child’s overall development, preparing them to face the challenges of the future with a well-rounded skill set.



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