The Ielts Bridge

Talk about a thing you complained about something

Question – Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result)
You should say:
– What did you complain about
– Who you complained to
– When it happened
– What was the result and why you were satisfied with the result?

  • While I generally avoid frequent complaints, I believe correcting issues is crucial when something is not done correctly, ensuring prevention of future occurrences. Today, I want to share an incident when I raised a complaint about a service, leading to a successful resolution.
  • This incident occurred last month when I needed my bank account statement for a visa application.
  • Upon reaching the bank in the morning, I was informed by the officer that the bank’s printer was out of order, prompting a return visit the next day.
  • Despite my second visit, the printer issue persisted. Desperate for my statement due to its urgency, my requests for a swift resolution were met with indifference from the bank officials.
  • Frustrated, I decided to escalate the matter by filing a complaint with the higher authorities.
  • Returning home, I accessed the bank’s website and sent an email to the bank management at their headquarters.
  • Almost immediately, I received a call back from them, assuring strict action in response to the complaint. Grateful for their swift attention, I revisited the bank.
  • To my surprise, upon entering the bank, the manager personally handed me my account statement. The printer had been promptly fixed after my complaint.
  • Discovering that many others were facing similar issues, the manager requested me to withdraw my complaint, citing a notice from senior management. However, I refused, emphasizing his responsibility to address customer concerns.
  • The manager apologized and pledged to prioritize customer satisfaction in the future.
  • This incident highlights a time when I raised a complaint, resulting in a positive outcome.



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