This bar graph unveils intriguing insights into tea and coffee consumption habits across five Australian cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, and Sydney. Instant coffee and fresh coffee emerged as the top choices, closely followed by coffee and tea enjoyed at cafes.
Sydney, Melbourne, and Hobart led in cafe preferences, each surpassing 60%. Brisbane trailed with slightly over 55%, while Adelaide reported around 50%. Brisbane and Hobart exhibited the highest affinity for instant coffee, both hovering near 55%. Adelaide ranked second, with 50%, marking its predominant choice. Sydney and Melbourne, conversely, showed lower instant coffee preferences, with just over 45% each.
Fresh coffee enthusiasts were most abundant in Sydney and Melbourne, with approximately 43% each. Brisbane and Adelaide trailed with around 35%, while Hobart secured the second spot with roughly 40%.
This data not only provides a snapshot of beverage preferences but also paints a vivid picture of regional variations in tea and coffee consumption across these vibrant Australian cities. Explore the nuances of coffee culture and regional preferences in this visually compelling breakdown.